[ 12 ] Taming Of The Brat

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The deep brown of Itadori's irises fell behind the curtain of his lashes. When they open, it's to crimson made more vivid by Itadori's bloodshot scleras and pink skin.

Sukuna's forearm shoved up. Megumi's hand shot forward to block the hit to his throat—just barely. It knocked the wind from his lungs, but still, he managed a hoarse, "Stop!"

Sukuna froze, expression twisted in a trembling snarl. Leant over Megumi like this, Megumi found himself embarrassingly alive in places he shouldn't be.

He panted, breathing hard, and said, "Kneel."

As if yanked by chains, Sukuna relented, resisting the entire way. When he at last settled into position, a step away from Megumi, the tension relaxed ever so slightly from his shoulders. His eyes, however, betrayed just how little he wanted this.

Megumi knew not to expect this plan to be easy. In fact, he had accepted that it was likely an impossible feat. He'd try his best nonetheless.

He pushed to his feet. His hands still felt clammy from holding Itadori so close, and so he brushed them off on the front of his ruined uniform.

"Don't switch with Itadori unless I say so," Megumi said, and with that, settled a bit more casually back. "You can speak now."

Megumi's glare was once again a palpable presence settling into Sukuna's skin. It captured him wholly in its acrimony and its provocation. The acidic animosity was far more familiar a sensation, but it activated parts of Sukuna that hadn't lived since his adolescence.

A cold trickle of sweat slipped down his spine and settled at his lower back. His fingers curled around his kneecaps where he remained, poised and at Megumi's disposal and whim.

When he said nothing—the world was once again glaring and bright upon his return, and the glare and orders demanded to be savored on his tongue. Voice thickened by saliva, Sukuna cleared his throat.

"Now then," he started, expression twisting up at the continued unsteadiness of his voice. "This... ridiculous little plan the brat and his accomplice proposed. Let's get on with it."

Standing, mouth ajar, Megumi stared at him. He folded his arms, constricting his chest and the knot of displeasure burrowing into his ribcage. It made its home, snug and cold, at the bottom of his lungs.

He thought he knew what he wanted, but Sukuna's easy acquisition wasn't what he'd imagined.

"No," Megumi said.

The look on Sukuna's face, as if he'd just consumed a lemon whole, dropped to a hollow scowl. The bite wasn't there. His eyes unfocused, lingering at Megumi's feet.

But he'd agreed with the brat, Sukuna thought, lip twitching with fury. Had he done that just to force me to bring the topic up? To watch me ask for it?

His shoulders twisted up in fury. Whether or not Megumi tricked him didn't matter when his glare was so clearly testing the waters, pulling his own arousal to the surface to satiate Megumi's. Megumi wanted this.

So why not agree with me? To end this torture swiftly?

Seething. "Then what is it you want from me?"

There was only one thing Megumi had tooled with as effective punishment, and he hadn't known how until Sukuna's haughty, albeit hesitant acceptance of Nobara and Itadori's plan. For just a split second, Megumi had watched the shock of his rejection spread in a blush across Sukuna's face.

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