July 29th, 2021
6:54 PM, HQSC
Jacob Custos

"Good morning, Campers! This is your wake up call! Please assemble in your groups and meet your counselor for the day!"

I groggily awaken and grumble at Dylan's announcement and toss my blanket off my body.

"Morning sleepyhead." Kaitlyn smirkd and teasingly tosses me my hat as I roll my eyes.

"I hate those announcements." I roll my eyes, my husky morning voice scratching my throat the right way.

"Maybe wake up before them then, they're for the campers anyway." Kaitlyn remarks.

"Drop dead." I respond, getting up and walking to the bathroom, I examine my face. "Damn I need to shave." I flex my muscles with a smirk, squeezing my bicep.

"Okay, hunky." Emma sarcastically remarks from the shower. "Can you get out."

"Oh, my bad, Emma." I back out after sliding on my T-shirt. "Don't need to be a dick." I mutter to myself.

"Jacob, you're with Chris today." Kaitlyn says. "He came in at 4 looking for you."

"Kay, thanks, I'll find him." I slide on my pants and sweater and check my breath, shrugging. I walk out of the cabin as I button my jeans. I walk out to the main lodge and to Mr. H's office.

"Mr. H, ya needed me?" I shout through the door.

"Oh, Jacob! J-dawg, come on." He walks out and leads me to the front. I shrug and follow him. "We have new counselors, their names are Abigail and Y/N."

"Oh. Uh, cool? But... why bring me?" I ask him. An unsure smile on my face.

"You and Y/N may get along." Mr. H smiles and I raise my eyebrow. "Opposites attract and all, you guys might be good friends, that's why."

"O... Kay? I guess." I shrug and fold my arms.

God, I think we were talking for hours on end, or that's what it felt like, before the vrrr and whoosh of the bus stopping and doors opening intterupts us. A girl, hair dyed red, secluded seeming, nice style, walked up and shook Chris's hand, then offered me a high five. Next came out a shy secluded-looking boy, he seemed quiet, and took a deep breath before declining Chris' handshake and giving a small wave instead. We both wave back.

"I'm Abigail." The girl smiles.

"Jacob." I smirk at her and she recoils back, I feign insulted.

"This is Y/N, we're related, even though it doesn't look it, so.. come to me if you need anything, they're not much of a people person, besides around kids." Abi smiles and walks off with Y/N after taking a map from Mr. H to find the cabins.

"Jacob, time for you to get with your group." Mr. H demands.

"Oh, Uh- Yes- Yes sir!" I look at him awkwardly before walking off as I hear him laugh in the background.

July 29th, 2021
7:30 PM, HQSC
Jacob Custos

I look out at the kids playing in the field, most of the kids were about 6, so I gave them nets, a soccer ball and told them to have fun. One comes up to me.

"Hey uhm.. Mr. Jacob?" I nod.

"Sup kiddo?" I take a glance at the little boy as he looks up at me and take a breath through my clenched jaw, releasing a hissing noise.

I look at his bloody nose and bleeding lip which caused me to immediately go into panic mode. I turn to the rest of the kids and whistle, they run over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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