~[ as sweet as oreo ]~ Miss Bloomie x Miss Circle.

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Request from: FPE_ADDICT

[Miss Circle PoV]

I was teaching math as always.. this is the last class in my shift..

After teaching, i go to the school's park, i sit on one of the bench there while eating my oreos..

I saw Miss Bloomie and decided to wave at her.

She notice it and wave back, i pat the empty space beside me to gesture her as she approach me and sit next to me.

"What do you want, Oreo lover" she said.

"How's your science? Many student failed again?" I said, making a conversation.

"Mhm, like always.. they're dumb at it anyway, at least they doesn't got F" She said..

Things were getting intimidate as i got close a bit to see what book that she was holding..

"What are you trying to see?" She asked.

"Your bo-" i accidently fall from being to bend that i lose my balance.

My head fall to her lap as she looked shocked

"What are you trying to do?" She asked as i quickly sit up

"Nothing.. i want to see your book" i said

"Its just a science book" she said..

"Oh- okay.." i said..

'god damnit! Why do i have to fall?!.. akh! Im Embarrassing myself right now!.' i thought

'Calm down.. calm down.. clam the fuck down!' i thought again as i try to calm myself down but my heart kept beating fastly..

'why does she looks like a Oreo?.. that Made me hungry ' i thought as i try to move away my Fucking thought about biting her all of sudden.

I continue to eat my oreo, trying to not mind it.. before she walk away with her science book..

"Phew.." i relieved, my heart calmed a bit beside the fact my head on her lap for a 1 and a half second.. it make me overthinking for just a 2 second less time?!.. fuck it! In screwed.. hope she doesn't think about my face getting "a bit" red just now..

I then walk away to the teachers locker and grab my math book before going back to my home.


Im sleepy now and sorry if Its short 😭.

This is currently 1 am 35 minutes in Indonesia WIB (Waktu Bagian Barat / Western Time)

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