2003 Age 6 Age 7

15 1 0

"Give that back!" A young boy named Harry screeches and yanks a toy car out of this other boys hands.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, here you can have it." The other boy says and shyly passes the toy into the other boys hand.

Harry holds the toy in his hand, feeling confused, because usually, other kids would scream back.

Harry smiles at the young boy and places the toy car down on track.

"I'm Harry. Can we play?" He asks his wide blue eyes, staring into the other boys.

The other boy nods, "Yes. I'm Vik." The brown eyed boy says.

"Mum! Mum! I made a friend, he's called Vik and he's got a pet duck, can we have one please?" Harry says, and he rushes to his mum in the playground, bouncing happily.

"Oh, you made a new friend, huh? On your first day, that's great, Harry!" Harry's mother says, smiling down at her son.

"Harry!" They both turn and see Vik coming over to them a woman following closely behind.

"Vik! Hey, do you want to come over - " Harry excitedly begins to babble.

"Are you Harry's Mum? Vik just told me about your son.  Apparently, he's got a football goal in his garden." Viks Mum says kindly.

Harry perks up at this, "Yes! It's really big!"

Harry's Mum laughs, "Yes I am, I heard our boys have become friends today, we've just moved here to the neighbourhood from Guernsey, I'm Sue, and of course this is my son Harry, He's in Year 1."

"Ah, lovely to meet you, I'm Linda, and Vik's my son, he's in Year 2, but obviously there are in the same class, it really is nice around here." Linda says with a warm smile.

"Can I go play at Harry's house?" Vik asks, his eyes full of excitement.

"Well, maybe not tonight, but if you're Mum is happy to take my phone number then I'm sure we can arrange something soon."

Both boys smile happily at each other.
If anyone has any requests, I'd be happy to try and include them :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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