@ the End of TOTK sky island

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This takes place right at the end of TOTK up on the small island by the temple of time. Just like in the additional ending after completing all the dragon tears.
As everyone approaches Zelda.
Zelda notices Riju handing Link a small decorative box, but her attention was broken with Tulins approach.

Tulin: Um Princes Zelda, so all of us that are sages swore our fieldty to you. But you know, Link is not a sage and he has a different approach. Know that all of us sages have seen first hand how much Link went thru to defeat the Demon king, and protect all of Hyrule. But for him it was so much more than just duty. In fact, all of Hyrule could see it. Link was never going to give up on finding you. Even when we finally figured out that you were the light dragon, Link was still determined to bring you back to us in Hylian form. It's part of his unwavering devotion to you, he's wanted to tell you this for a long time, umm even before the upheaval but most definitely ever since the upheaval it has changed him. Please hear him out.

Tulin moves out of the way and Zelda now sees Link stepping forward and taking her left hand. He drops to one knee. Zelda gasps and covers her mouth with the other hand, with tears starting to form.

Link: Zelda, (Kisses her hand) you are my life, my purpose for living. (With determination in his eyes) I have known this for quite a long while now. That day we went under the castle, I thought I would ask you when we came back up. But it didn't quite work out that day. I hated every moment we were apart since that day. It made me realize how precious all the moments we had together before the upheaval really were. It's had been a lot of work trying to restore the kingdom, but as long as I was with you I felt as complete as I could be. I didn't even realize how much time had passed since I had originally thought about this. It's all because those time were spent with you. All those days of going to bed together and waking up together, and being together really made the years fly by so fast. I took for granted all that time we spent together, being happy. Because of all that had happened to us during the upheaval I know now this is where I belong, always by your side. My love for you can't be broken. No matter the distance whether it be from the depths to the sky or thru time itself. I know in my heart, my soul is forever bound to yours, just like it is bound to the master sword. I will find you and bring you home to me always, wherever, whenever. Everyday that I was looking for you, my resolve about our future was the same. We've been through so much, our love deserves more than just a chance. (Links eyes now softened) Zelda, my beloved Zelda, will you allow me to be at your side always as more than just your knight, and to build a family together, granting my wish to grow old with you, to protect you and our future family for the rest of my days. (Inside the box was a ring) Will you marry me my love?

Link could see Zelda's teary eyes. She was trembling, Zelda gets down on her knees too and reaches out to stroke Links face.

Zelda: Oh Link, Yes! Of course YES! You are going to make me the happiest woman in all of Hyrule.

Link pulls Zelda in for a kiss, then he takes out the ring and places it on Zelda's finger, as they stare into each others eyes for a moment.
They stand up and turn to the sages. They all clap and congratulate the extremely happy couple. Link embraces Zelda again, pulling her into him tightly. He whispers into her ears, "I'm never letting you go again darling" Zelda burries her face into his chest and breathes him in, she suddenly realizes how much she has missed his scent.

Purah: Well it's about time! You two do know you weren't fooling anyone right?

Riju( chuckles): I do agree with Purah. I was starting to think I would have to throw you two a surprise engagement party just to get you both going in the right direction.

Sidon: This is so exciting Link, we will both be married men now. I can't wait for you two to get to know my wife, Queen Yona of the Zora domain. (Shrieks a little) Oh we can do couple things together!

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