16 | Back in your Arms

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"The killer and victim in one place, embracing each other in tears?"

...A familiar voice that would forever haunt me.

"...Now, that's something to laugh at!"

I flinched, my body stiffening as my breath slowly became heavier with each step that Miko took towards me. It had been months since I had last heard her voice, let alone see her eyes that was filled with excitement. My tears almost instantly dried up as if it was never there in the first place and Chika's embrace became cold. A swirl of indigo-coloured energy surrounded her body and with every step she took, the aura grew larger. 

"I can explain-" I leaned forward while attempting to stand up from my crouched position, however my attempt was quickly interrupted after a sharp pain entered the skin on my face. A sting arrived quickly, a sudden pain that I only realised where it was from as I gazed upon Miko's eyes which carried pure terror. 

Had I just been kicked in the face? 

She peered into my eyes of fear, and she crouched down to meet my level. She elegantly crossed her arms then let it rest on her knees, pretending to sulk as she mocked my pitiful state. 

"Aw, I'm sorry dear but I couldn't care less about the bond you have created with that foolish 'thing' that considers itself real." She smirked as I puffed heavily, while I pushed Chika behind me as an effort to protect her from Miko's potential antics. 

"Then why...?" 

"Hmm... I wonder why? I guess seeing you experiencing happiness," She reached out her hand to the side of my face, then slapped it mercilessly. Her nails ripped into my skin ruthlessly as if she meticulously planned the direction and angle she would slap me in that moment, and blood streamed down from my cheek. 

"...makes me boil inside. Your smile tears me apart and rips me to shreds." 

She stood up as she sneered in triumph after seeing my blood, all while Chika shrieked in terror. Placing my hand onto my cheek, my bottled emotions seemed to slowly surface to the top. 

She kicks me because she 'wants to'. 

She slaps me because I feel joy. 

What next? Will she struck me with lightning? Or perhaps, kill me? 

Am I not allowed to feel happy? 

It was unfair, unjust, and I wanted nothing more than to break free from the chains that bound me to her twisted game. As I struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging inside me, a desperate longing for freedom washed over me like a tidal wave. I yearned to break free from her control, to reclaim my freedom and return to where I belonged. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as I fought against the overwhelming sense of helplessness. All those bottled emotions of anger, regret, desperation and despair had finally taken over. 

I grabbed my sword slowly so that she would notice, my breath short and arms shaking as I did so. The consequences would be severe, yet the burning hatred that rose spared no hesitancy. 

"Shut your mouth, Miko." I lifted my sword and quickly attempted to stab it into her stomach using one of the skills I had developed, ironically with the help of the powers that Miko had gifted to me as an aid to grow. 

"Please, go away, JUST DIE! Please just die, die, die, DIE...!" I clenched onto my sword tighter with every word, on the verge of tears as I desperately wished to release all my anger and unfairness I had experienced. 


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