~[ Visiting your dorm ]~ -Olice

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Request from: ITSFIN3L7CCILE_ and Penguinsareveryshiny.

Oliver x Alice.

Not a part 2 or part 3!

[After school, Alice's PoV]

Oliver ask me to visit his dorm.. i wonder what's this school's dorm looks like?..

At night, I sneakly got out from my room in my monster form, before hides in the shadow, to go to Oliver's room which is room #017.

I spot his room before i turn back to my human form and knock Its door.

The door opened, he looked not happy..

[Oliver's PoV]

I opened the door, but when i saw Alice, my mood changed as i smiled.

"You can walk in" as i welcomed her.. she walk in, her eyes darting around as if she has'nt seen it before.

"Oh, what's this room?" She said and pointed to a room that has a sign saying "Don't enter without Oliver's permission!".

"Oh, thats nothing!" I said, i have cold sweat as she seems to notice it..

"Are you lying?" She said as i immediately answer in panic

"No!" I said.

Eventually, she opened the door.. Im screwed up!..

I can see her shocked face.

[Alice's PoV]

I was too curious that i open it, as i got shocked with my eyes wide.. why the fuck does he have a lot of my photo?!

"I- i can explain" he said..

I lefted speechless as my mind goes foggy..

[Oliver's PoV]

I can see her staring at the room.. i feel nervous as she has'nt talk or move.

"Uh.. Alice?.." i said, i can see her tensed immediately out of shocked.

"What?.." she said, covering her lower face using a hand.

".. nothing.." i said, why?! Oliver, why?! You just make things awkward!!

[Alice's PoV]

"I think.. i have to go" i said before rush out.. this is Embarrassing! He has many photo of me!!

[Third person PoV]

Alice was running to her room as she is all blushy and Embarrassed..

On the other side, Oliver just standing there, before close the door..

"Im screwed up" Oliver said in his mind as it kept repeating.

"Oliver? What's that noice?" Engel said. Oliver turn behind and immediately shut the door up, causing Engel's nose to hurt

"Aw!! What's was that for?!" Engel said but Oliver didnt answer and lock the door before sit on front of it.. feeling Embarrassed that his future wif- (cough) i meant- her girlfriend saw a room in his dorm filled with her picture.

Oliver then lie on his bed, before drift to sleep while hugging a Alice Body pillow (Bro's a simp).


Sorry if Its short! I have to do school work now!

Hope your day went well!

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