Chapter 25

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Four days fly by... I got everything written down. And like I said, I guard the bloody book like my lifeline. I eat with it, sleep with it, rise with it, and take it in when I go for the shower. I know for a fact that they all noticed the book, but why they ignore it is a big question mark. MinMin, as usual, clean the room. I watch her carefully. Last time, she ratted me out. I remember all the details. Has she changed. I'll bet you, my right lung. She has NOT! Ha! I know that for sure. She reports everything.  As a matter of fact, I saw her walking out of the general's office room, looking around in a guilty way... haha... She thinks I'm a fool. They all think I'm a fool. No way. Not this time. This time, I'm fully aware that I have only myself.

Two weeks later, I have planned everything well... and now I have to wait for the right moment. This time, I'm not gonna come back.

"So....! What else?" General was impatient as usual.

"That's all. She has drawn a big smiley face after that. There weren't any other details."

"She has only that book.. Am I right?"


"Okay... It's alright. You did well, "

"Min, keep an eye on her. We will give her that opening and then run the whole plan as we discussed."

"She will be okay....? Right!"

"Yeah, yeah... Don't worry.."

MinMin nodded and left.

"How we gonna do this?"

"Day after tomorrow. Take her to the lake..."

"Intimidating her won't work. She has already made a good plan."

"Yes.. And we, too, have a plan!"

Ying didn't say anything. This time, they were meticulous. They checked on all the potholes and loopholes. She will lose her ability, but at least she will be here forever.. In a way, it's too cruel. Since she has regained her memory, she should also remember that neither of us are sweet and kind either.

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