Chapter 10

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Two days later, again, I woke up....

This time, they didn't let me close my eyes...

I was helped by MinMin to sit up and lean on pillows.

I look down.

I feel miserable.

Even though this ability was nothing major, it was a form of escape from anything unpleasant. Now I just have myself and nothing else.

MinMin offers some water. I drink two sips. No one speaks... Everyone in this room understood how I felt... I felt violated. My wings are finally clipped. And I'm a sitting duck now.

Soon after that, The General leaves.

Doctor Wang gets up and comes near me. He does a check-up on me. Usual stuff he does. Takes two pill bottles from his bag and gives them to MinMin and quietly give instructions to her.

Now I felt like a real captive.

They are treating me like a criminal.

Okay.. fine.. I don't want anything to do with them either. Doctor Wang glances at me again, and then slowly dragging his feet, he also leaves the room. At least he has the decency to look guilty and sad.

"Miss.. would you.. would you like to take a shower? Dr. Wang said it's alright."

I must be smelling anyway. Who knows how long I was out.

Therefore, I slowly felt my legs and crawled out of the bed. Once again, I was helped by MinMin....  My knees buckled under my weight.

MinMin held me quickly and steadily..., then she sat me down on the bed.

"Miss, wait here... I will fill out the tub and take you slowly."

I did not bother to respond. I'm at their mercy anyway..

What's the point of talking and making conversation. I heard the water filling in the tub. I lifted my head and looked around. I was sad. Sad... and hurt... I wondered how to feel... because I'm now empty inside.. I feel nothing anymore...

Nothing I thought of or planned out, worked out the way I wanted it to.

MinMin came and held my hand and took me to the bathroom. She helped me to remove the cotton dress I was in and helped me to get into the tub. After I was seated, she started washing my hair. I didn't stop her. I already feel weak and empty. I can't be bothered.

After the bath, she got me a new dress and sat me down on an armchair. She cleaned out the bed and put fresh sheets. Came to me and led me to the bed again.

"Dr. Wang said you need to eat and take the medication after that rest."

I still did not bother to respond. She was a rat. And rats belonged in walls or somewhere dusty with no sunlight in my books.... Also, I don't like rats.

So, I held my composure without bothering to respond. She brought me inion soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I did not taste anything, but I did not want to starve my body. So I ate as much as I could. She then gave me the pills from the bottles with my juice. I took them without any hesitation. At this point, even if it was poison, I really do not care...

I slept well after that... 

I woke up later... kind of feeling  very relaxed. But I still felt very empty.

The door opened, and Ying walked in..

"You are awake... wonderful. You slept almost a day. "

Then only I noticed the outside from the window... I slept at the same time, like now yesterday. It was late afternoon. Not bad.

I did not say anything. I just looked down. He came closer to me. Out of instinct, I moved away from him.

"Please don't... I... I'm.. sorry. I know no matter how many times I apologise, it won't make up to the cruelty I put you through. But I need you. Jong needs you. Everyone else here needs you. So to keep you, we had to... That was the only way..."

For the first time, some reaction came out of me.

It was tears.... I started to cry. He came closer and sat down.. then he touched my head and hugged me. I kept crying.. I did not stop. I cried for a long time.

Finally, I was dry... Amazingly, I also felt much better...

"Are you feeling better?...Are you okay?"

I nodded at him. But I didn't look at him. He stayed seated without getting up. "You know.. Jong and me.. We had a fight over this. He did not agree.. I was the one who suggested this."

This piece of information surprised me. What the hell. The kind doctor was the biggest monster.

Wow.. way to judge a person, Moon.

"But ultimately, I had to show him all the proof that how safe it was.. then only he was convinced to go ahead with the plan. It was a formation with sigils. The moment you walked in, you were trapped. But I made sure that not a hair on you would be harmed. Only to pull your ability to jump timelines would be erased."

I did not say anything. I just listened. In a way, I realised they were scared of losing me, and this was their own way of keeping me.

The General walked in from the open door. "How is she?"

"She's okay..."

And I did not lift my head. I might be able to forgive them with time.. But that's a very long way to go...


[One week later.....]

I was able to walk around the garden and feel a bit normal...

The mistress of The General visited the whole week. We don't speak anymore.

I also decided on two things.. I wanted a divorce.. and I wanted to start school here again...

If I wanted to survive and be stronger, I needed a bigger distraction...

Another two months later, I spoke.. Mostly, I communicated with the butler and the maids, and the chef... Doctor Wang and MinMin...

I asked them to tell me about the school.. and I also requested to start it again.

Apparently, it was a building next to the main house.

A week later, students were back. They were so excited and happy. All my worries started to fade away whenever I saw their cute little faces. I enjoyed my time with them.

The General and The Doctor thought that everything would be alright... They were happy to see me smiling again. They looked more and more relaxed rather than tensed....

That's when I chose to deliver the documents... The Divorce papers...

I don't know what happened but a maid came running to the school building that evening.

"Miss... Miss... please come to the main house..."

She seemed to be quite out of sorts... panicked...

"What happened? What's going on?"

"There's no time to explain.. please come..."

There were no students.. I was checking some quiz papers they did in the morning. So, I stood up and walked behind the maid.

She was almost running.... The moment I entered the house, it was like a war pit. Something has happened... But... what?...

The answer was standing at the staircase... looking at me with an expression so cruel I would have burnt to ashes if that gaze had powers....

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