Shadows in the Art Room

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Last Friday at 11:41h a boy called Charlie was found dead in Dominiques London. In addition, the art's teacher found him in the art's class. She discovered Charlie on the floor with a knife stabbed and a lot o blood around. She immediately called the police and after a long time investigating they found three suspicious people. Nobody expected it, but his best friend, Jamie, his cousin, Jack, and his girlfriend, Sophie, were the three people that the police had in mind. The police man was filled with lots of quotations while trying to assimilate. What had they done?

Why would they be related to whatever they were investigating? Jack, his lifelong friend, had always been a free save, but lately he'd been getting involved with some mysterious people. Jamie, on the other hand, was the kind of guy who was always looking for trouble, but they never imagined he could be involved in something serious enough to attract the attention of the police. And Sophie, his sweet loving girlfriend, how could she be involved is something like this? This was difficult case to solve after a long time they catch the murder.

Sophie, his girlfriend, said that when all this happened she was in the school secretary because her teacher asked her to do some photocopies of some important papers. She realized that Charlie had died 1 hour later. However, Jack, his cousin, told the police that he was in the bathroom washing some paints. Jack discovered Charlie when after 10 minutes he entered to the class. Moreover, Jamie, his friend, said that he was in the P.E class playing football. One of the three was lying and police noticed that.

Finally, after 5 days trying to solve the crime, the police arrested Jack. All the evidence fit that he was the murdered. The first thing that they did was to investigate the toilet. They quickly found that there weren't any fingerprint of any people. Also, they look that in the sink there weren't any mark of paint. This was obvious, jack was the person that killed Charlie!!! With the truth revealed, the mystery was finally solved. 

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