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Never have I ever thought of accepting an invitation to my nemesis house? No. But I'm still going anyway. Not for Loren or anything. I'm just simply being nice as I am trying to be the perfect son my father wanted.

It was an unexpected brought up conversation especially from Carlos. I just never once expect him to suddenly come up to me and said "come to my house for dinner tonight. Don't need to force yourself to go for my sake, go for your sake."

I was shock, utterly shock. I would still go anyway but he could've said it normally. It's like he knows what I'm trying to do. Of course he knows my every move. That boy grew up with me. We never got along but he grew up with me.

We never seem to talk or even have a small conversation but we know each other secrets. Mindset. Thought. Just anything you never expect an enemy of yours to know.

Our relationship is very complicated, it was never stable. Everyone know that. Carlos never like me. The whole world know why.

Now that I'm so nice and that I'm standing in front of his house hesitating to ring the bell. Just a moment ago I drive through the gate calmly, but I'm definitely not calm anymore.

I've been here before, with my parents. But it's been months since we last came here. Now Carlos invite me solo to his house, not my parents. And god knows the other reason why I'm nervous.

She lives here. Their new family members. There are two of them but there's one specific that I'm talking about.

I suck in my sliver and think fuck it. I ring the door bell.

I expect Carlos to open the door as always but a new face open it instead. And I'm guessing that she's the new madam. Astor new wife, Carlos stepmother, Loren's mom.

"Hello, you must be Asher," she smiles and said.

"Yes and good evening ma'am." She chuckles.

"What a sweet boy, just call me Abigail." I nodded.

"Come in, dinner's almost done." She invites me in. I give her a nod as a politeness before going in.

I was greet by Astor with a loud laugh as usual. Carlos glaring through my soul. That boy must've hate my gut. I know and I like to mess with him even more.

I sat on the sofa in the living room across Carlos. I glance around trying to spot the person I'm coming for.

Yea, I was lying earlier. I am looking for her.

"She isn't here yet," Carlos said.

I look at him in confusion, "why?"

I didn't get care to denied the fact that I'm here for his stepsister. His glare dagger even deeper into my soul.

"What do you mean why? She's simply isn't home right now."

"Then where is she?"

"How is that your problem?"

"How isn't that my problem?" I smirked. Carlos groans.

He stood up then walk toward. He grabs me by my collar and pull me close as he glares, "you better not mess with Loren or I'll fuck you up."

I chuckled, "I didn't plan on doing so. Beside, is this how you treat the guest you invited?"

He let go of my collar and sigh, "I don't plan on snooping myself into her privacy but just you know, she's part of this family which means she's my sister, I'll fuck you up if you fuck hers."

He gaze at me, "she's at the gym, she'll be back before dinner."

He then went back to his seat and scroll through his phone.

I look at the time and I'm pretty it's already dinner time for most family. But I she's not here yet.

Should a young lady be outside the house this long? Especially a daughter of the wealthiest man in the country? Stepdaughter.

Just as my thought is ruin my brain, someone knock on the door.

"Carlos, can you go get it honey? It might be Loren."

Abigail shouts from the kitchen. Carlos glance at me before signalling to the door. Which meant he wants me to go open because it might be Loren. Or anybody else. But it'll definitely be her cause who would have any business to come to a business man mansion at this hour?

I roll my eyes at Carlos before standing up and stalk toward the door. Though, I could feel my hand shaking but I just go for it anyway.

I was quickly met with a pair of brown eyes.

I look at the girl in front of me, "hey, beau."

She smiles, "hi, dimples."

God my heart unwillingly burst into fireworks everytime she calls me that. No one ever compliment me by my dimples before. She's the first. She's the first in many things I never experience.

For fuck sake, what am I doing?

I'm a player. Fuck I'm doing to this innocent girl?

I feel like losing my mind everytime I came into contact with her. Just even a single glance can drive my mind crazy. Her face flash in my mind without no warning and I would smile to myself like an idiot.

For fuck sake, I haven't even met her that long? Have I even feel like this for anyone before? This is why she's my first to many things. The things I thought is bullshit. The things I thought I'll never experience. But she shows up. That's the first.

"You're here," I said.

"Yea," I stand to the side to make space for her to walk in.

I then proceed to close the door behind us and watch her walk inside the house with her gear bag on her right shoulder before the butler help her with it. Her sportswear shape around my body making it obvious enough that she looks small and fragile. Big you can't be fool by look. This small right there just hit from the gym.

Abigail came out of the kitchen as soon as she hear the door close and walk toward her daughter. Loren.

She kiss Loren cheek, "good change up. Dinners ready."

Loren nods before going up the stairs to her room. And I'm standing here thinking when will I be able to kiss her like how her mom did. I know that's an inappropriate thought to a girl not to mention the daughter of my add business partner. It was clear that I shouldn't touch her. I shouldn't, but I want to.

I want to so bad.

But I can't.

I want her to be mine.

But I can't.

Not yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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