[ 13 ] Match Made In Hell

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Megumi didn't consider himself a morning person but where Sukuna was involved, he was up by seven under the pretense that Sukuna's futon would be vacant.

Instead, what he found was the visage of Itadori sitting patiently atop his comforter, shirtless, with all four of his eyes closed. They opened at the violent toss Megumi gave of his comforter in his panic to wake up.

When Itadori turned his face onto Megumi, it was with tattoos and a dreadful sensation in the pit of Megumi's stomach. Right, he thought, the Sukuna thing wasn't a nightmare.

Both of their eyes dropped to Gojo, who had rolled over onto Megumi's futon in the middle of the night and was hardly roused by Megumi's sudden flailing. Infinity kept Gojo's arm permanently hovering over Megumi's waist, perfectly lax.

"How long have you been up?" Megumi mouthed, but his words fell on blind eyes.

Sukuna glanced away, eyes closing like a cat in dire need of alone time.

Megumi rolled his eyes and searched for his phone. A moment later, Sukuna's phone buzzed where it sat like a ritual offering in front of his morning meditation. He picked it up and scowled down at the screen with contempt.

M: How long have you been up?

S: I don't sleep

M: Oh

M: Because you're a curse or something?

S: Or something

S: The brat requires sleep

M: So you're just neglecting Itadori's body

They glared at each other from over Gojo's unconscious body and unseeing, embroidered white eyes on his gold silk sleep mask. Sukuna was the first to avert his gaze by virtue of the threat underlying Megumi's expression.

It cast a chill down his spine, fingers shaking as he typed viciously back.

S: RCT fatigue

S: His body isn't negatively impacted by it

M: Oh

S: Does that suffice?

M: Yes.

M: Do you want to go outside and walk for a bit?

S: I'm not a dog

M: Or we could just sit here and wait for sensei to wake up

S: That wasn't a no

Sukuna pushed to his feet, swiping Itadori's hoodie up as he went. Megumi scrambled to follow suit, crawling himself out from under Gojo's arm and pushing off the mat. Sukuna was already at the door.

The moment they were outside, Megumi was still balancing on one foot to tug on his right shoe. "What—" Megumi cleared his throat, feeling his jaw click and vibrate into place under that command.

Sukuna had stopped completely, staring at him with mild alarm that just made Megumi feel like a circus animal.

"Sor—" Again?! he cried, hand to his throat. He cleared it again.

The look on Sukuna's face was giving him heartburn, which only increased under the presence of Sukuna's reddened ears and the awkward way his hand went to his stomach. Like an elderly person on the brink of saying, "Goodness gracious."

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