𝟏𝟔 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.

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Lori's POV

The number of people we've had to bury and burn so far is more than anyone should have to in their lifetime. If I never have to smell the scent of bodies as they become ashes ever again it would still be too soon.

Meanwhile the three graves were done and ready for the burial ceremony. All that was left was to let the Greene Family and Carol know.

"Carol honey, we're ready." She sat in the caravan unwilling to follow. "Come on."

"Why?" Carol looked down to her hands avoiding eye contact but she did look up when Daryl answered for me. "Cause that's your little girl."

Her tears had stopped since the clearing out of the barn but sadness still lingered across her features.
"That's not my little girl. It's some other thing. My Sophia was all alone in the woods. This whole time I truly believe that. I thought one day she'd find a way back." Carol looked out the window towards the tree line. "Sophia died a long time ago."

There was nothing I could say that would make her change her mind or give her the peace I wish she could have. I slowly stepped out of the RV to give her space.

I turned the corner coming to one of the bedrooms when searching for anyone I could find. My eyes immediately shot down to a figure lying in bed as Maggie hovered above them. It was Beth. Her motionless body laid on her back as she stared up at the ceiling. She barely blinked as Maggie held her hand or spoke to her.

"What's wrong with her?" Maggie now hearing my footsteps asked as she looked over at me. "Maybe she's in shock. Where's Hershel?"

Glen stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed across his chest. "We can't find him anywhere." That was worrisome. "We tried to find Nate since they've been close lately but he's gone too." 
I stand corrected— that is terrifying.

I was only half way back to the barn but felt the nausea from pregnancy molded with my worry for the missing men. Rick and Shane came running when they seen me waving my hands in the air to get their attention hoping not to have to run there and back.

We were gathered in Hershel's bedroom as the two former police officers investigated for any leads as to where he vanished to. Shane lifting a flask off the dresser. "Looks like he found an old friend."

Outside everyone came together surrounding in our communal meeting spot— the porch. Rick filled everyone in on the disappearance of Hershel as well as Nate. He then went on to explain how Hershel had been an alcoholic but gave it up back when Maggie was born. We learned of a bar in town where he practically lived during his drinking days. It was suggested that maybe both missing people were together at the bar and Rick wanted to go on a run to check it out.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would Nate and Hershel take off to go drink together?" Glenn asked.

Maggie added fact to his argument. "He's right. My dad wants you all gone today."

"Maybe he needed the protection to get there?" I throw in trying to be useful with a shrug.

Miller shut down the theory. "Nate would've told someone if they planned this. Plus he wouldn't go have a drink."

"It's possible. You seen him before the burial. He was devastated." Jimmy added not really knowing much about Nate.

Daryl piped in. "He wouldn't. Especially not with the old man as his only backup." He tossed his crossbow over his shoulder with annoyance that people would believe Nate to be that stupid.

"The vehicles are still here. Wherever they are they went on foot. I'm gonna go search." He got a few feet away before Shane stopped him.

Andrea was starting to see holes in the logic. "He wouldn't drink in town. It would impair his judgment and ability to defend himself."

"If they both went on foot maybe Nate seen Hershel leave and went with him to protect him or talk him into coming back?" T-Dog gave another idea.

Dale spoke softly out of concern. "Protect him how? His shoulder is still bothering him too much to fight off an attack."

Shane then inserted himself. "He couldn't have had many shots left after clearing the barn either. He wouldn't risk it. Nate has to be the priority here."

"Nate seems like the kind of guy who can look after himself. If they aren't together that means my dad is most likely drunk and alone. We need to find him." Maggie interrupted everyone's back and forth.

If this continued everyone would be forced to choose. I need to sit down. "Some rifle ammo and one of his other mags were missing from the RV when I went to reload. He's armed." Danny calmed my nerves slightly. "My guess is that he wanted to be alone but even if he did he wouldn't stay out this long. Something happened."

Rick gave a subtle nod and proceeded to head towards the car. Glenn was going with him to help bring Maggie's dad back home. Shane and I caught up to them trying to talk sense into him.

"So Nate's out there missing and you're gonna leave to go find a drunk fool who's kicking us out?" Shane's venom infected Rick with hatred at his implication.

"We don't know what happened. They could be together. You heard Danny, Nate probably wants to be alone after putting down Sophia. I'm going."

"Man, you don't know what happened either. All you know is they are both missing. Nate is hurt out there and not in the right mind set. You still choosing the drunk who ran away over your blood?"

Rick barely had any time to respond. "Nate would do the same—" Shane huffed and puffed spitting at the lowest level his voice could. "Forget it. I'll go after my brother, lemme know how playing designated driver goes for you."

Shane stormed off leaving me to try. "Think about Carl. He told me earlier he would've shot Sophia herself. He's turning dark, Rick. He's growing up in a world where he needs you. He needs you here and alive."
His footsteps paused as he turned to face me. He was listening to me finally.

"If something happened to Nate because you left you'd hate yourself. Carl would lose one of his hero's and Jamie, well she'd lose one of the most important people in her life. He's her family now."

The word family triggered Rick's actions to continue. "I know how he thinks and if Nate were here he'd do the same thing. We need Hershel for the baby. I'm going."
He left me standing there to watch as he, Glenn and Danny pulled away.

Everyone else stayed behind. Shane and Daryl didn't believe Nate was with Hershel so they took to searching the woods. Just in case they were wrong the men decided to have Danny go with them leaving Miller, T-Dog, Andrea, Jimmy and Dale to defend the rest of of the group and keep watch in shifts.

 Just in case they were wrong the men decided to have Danny go with them leaving Miller, T-Dog, Andrea, Jimmy and Dale to defend the rest of of the group and keep watch in shifts

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Word count 1224

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