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Hello, fellow Wattpad users!

So, I have started my third book on Wattpad, and instead of me writing it alone with my ideas, I need YOU guys!

In order for me to write and start this book, I need you guys to share any scary/strange/paranormal stories you have experienced.

You can tell them in the comments, and if they are REALLY long, write in separate comments so it won't be a HUGEEE long line of a comment. To make it easier I would appreciate it if you could put a 'Part 1' 'Part 2' and so on if your story is long, just so I can see which part it continues on in case it's unclear.

I will try and read all of the stories and new ones I get every now and then to keep the book going, and will pick the ones I think are the most interesting. Then, I will write one story alone as a 'chapter' thingy, since it'd be confusing if I added different stories in the same chapter.

Normally I will ask permission to use your name or username to give you credit for your story if I pick it. It will be included at the end of the story. It's your decision to say if you want your username, your full name or both in the story. If you don't want any of type of your name in the story, please tell me so.

Another thing: If I pick your story, when I finish including it in this book, I will delete it from the comment section, since it will already be added to the book. So if you see your comment is deleted, please don't freak.

Please also note: These stories need to be TRUE! I know I cannot exactly tell when stories are true or not, but please, just don't write random made up stories. I would appreciate it. Then it ruins the whole 'true stories' thing, ya know?

That's all for now! If you have any questions, just ask away in the comment section and I will try my best to answer them! Also, please start writing your stories in this comment section. Once I start the story you can also write and share them in those chapter comment sections. Basically you can just write them anywhere you can write comments in this book.

(Sorry if these directions and rules sound confusing!)

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