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-His full name is Vincent Aiden Harlow

-he's currently 22 as of 2/13/2024

-His birthday is May 26, 2001

-He has ash blonde hair, and he dyed the under layer black

-His hair is naturally curly, but he hates it so he brushes it out (very aggressively, i might add) to make it fluffy frizzy/

-Gay. no other words

-had a fiance named Lukas, and they were perfect together

-Lukas died

-Lukas was hit by a car in front of Vinn. Not very exciting way to spend a date night with your fiance

-Vinn still wears the engagement ring and Lukas' black leather jacket/

-Lukas died in december 2023 (haven't decided an exact date lol)

-Because of Lukas' death, Vinn developed EXTREME attachment issues, to the point where he gets major anxiety if anyone is late coming or going somehwere, if they're away from, or if they don't answer texts or calls within about an hour.

-He hates how clingy he is towards his fellow creeps, but the others oddly don't seem to mind it.

-No one knows about Lukas, they only know about his childhood. Vinn keeps any and ALL info about Lukas under TIGHT lock.

-Vinn's father was pretty abusive, but thankfully left when he was about 12, but his father took his little sister, who was 8 at the time, with him. a few years later, when his sister was 13, Vinn learned that she had committed suicide.

-Which is why he developed a parental bond over Sally.

-Vinn has a soft spot for people in the slender alliance.

-weird concept, but he's scared of lesbians... he's not sure why, but Jane freaks him out.

-he associates Natalie(clockwork) as a lesbian because of her A, Messy room/personality, B, "badass" exterior, and C, she's ALWAYS in Jane's room, and that gets him thinking..

-Btw you can't blame him. he doesn't know about Jane's wife, mary.

-He's a simp. for a lot of proxies.

-He's definitely not moved on from Lukas, which is why he's scared to ask out any proxies. he doesn't wanna project his issues on anyone else.

-I'm not gonna lie, he's such an asshole.

-He used to work for a gang-kinda thing, that people would call a mafia, which isn't. His boss' Name was Adrien Madden(Credit to @givemepockets for this one yall.) Adrien Madden, which no one knows much about, is Vinn's older brother. (DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNNNN!!)

-there was a girl in Madden's gang-thingy named Koda(my friends OC, she doesn't publish on wattpad.) Madden got sick of her and ordered Vinn to kill her for a handsome price. Nothing personal, but Vinn was in it for the money, so he did. He killed her, and then left. Later, he passed out, and woke up in the Slender Headquarters, and became a part of Slenderman's Alliance.

-Madden doesn't know what happened to Vinn, and he thinks his little brother is dead. He beats himself up, thinking he's responsible for his brothers "death".

-idk enough about Koda to give her her own chapter yet. So, anyways, after she was killed, she was brought back by somebody from slenderman's alliance, and started working there. She hated Vinn with a passion, until she found out it was Madden's fault, and she grew to hate Madden.

-Vinn, honestly? Could give a shit less who hates him. (Unless it's Liu. Holy shit he'd be CRUSHED lmao)

-Mini-headcanon i find cute?: Vinn mentioned how much he liked flowers once, roses especially, so now, every time Liu plans to visit Vinn, he brings him a tiny bouquet of flowers that he picked especially for Vinn. On holidays(easter, valentines, etc.) Liu will spend MONEY at an expensive florist for roses. It's sweet. Jeff teases Liu for it, saying he's obsessed or in love with Vinn, but Liu denies it. It's simply not true! (or is it..?)

-All that being said, Vinn LOVES the flower thing, and thinks it's adorable <3

-Yes, yes, i promise, Vinn is in love with Liu. He'll deny it to his fucking grave tho.

-(Did i mention he was stubborn, or is that a given?)

My Creepypasta OC'sWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt