Stuck in Time.

9 3 6

If the universe followed a recurring cycle,
Could there be a point where past events,
Including the resurrection of individuals, while I'm asking,
Are repeated due to the conservation of matter points?

If time on other planets is radically different,
A God could be everywhere at the same time,
Like time in a black hole, that point...
Where is the rhyme found, at what point...

Is there time in a black hole?
It's infinite?
Or being infinite means there is no time, is that the whole point?,
Is it just luck to be alive or is it being stuck, when you see the white light?
When you see the lime eyes you'll know.

If there were cyclic universes, would my deformed body be lost inside a black hole?
So it wouldn't be formed again?
Couldn't I see you again?

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora