Frozen & Burned

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''A child who came from fire and ice will bring the Lions down. The one with the hair full of stars, eyes blue as the ocean and lips that speak with a voice of a mermaid...''

That was the prophecy of the seer of Bronze Gate. Fear and trembling sprout across Westeros. Many rejoiced, no one loved the Lions, that is the Lannister family. As much evil as they have done, they should not go unpunished. Another multitude warned that the same calamity might overtake many other nations.

An old warrior, Ignis, the Dornish man, thought all of that nonsense were nothing but old fairytales. His wife, Alba, the Bronze Gate native, warned him anyway. The prophecy could be fulfilled. The two did not have much, but they lived honestly, as much as they could, to provide for their two children - Opal and Luna. Opal, a 21-year-old young man, grew up to be a young warrior, with brave and passionate heart. Luna, a 13 year-old girl, with beauty and knowledge no one had in Bronze Gate. Hair long and shiny, dark as ebony, eyes blue as the Dornish sea, lips red as wild berries. She never looked at herself, she always looked out for others. Always pure of heart and kind. It was a rarity in those dark, iron times. Until that day...

It was on the day of Luna's 14th birthday. A cold winter raged. They celebrated with what they had - bread, salt, berries, wine and water. ''May this day be the brightest and the happiest for you, my daughter,'' said Alba, kissing both of her daughter's cheeks. ''If it isn't, it will be...'' mumbled Ignis under his voice, cursing everyone who caused them to live like hermits. For her birthday, his daughter will have meat. He stormed out of the house with his loyal spear and got up on his horse. His wife and children were watching him in the distance. Alba was afraid for Ignis. She knew she was doing something stupid that might cost him his head.

Ignis spurred his horse into a fast run to the King's Landing. He will steal a sheep from the Castlery Rock and return it when better times come. Lannisters' didn't think the same as he did. They punished their own people worse than any other plague. Dawn of the next day. Luna woke up before her brother and mother. She put on a sheep's wool coat and took a bucket to get water from the well. Something was off. It was quiet. Too quiet. As if an evil force had forced her there, she peered into the barrel in front of the house. The child almost screams in terror, taking a few steps back rapidly. In the barrel in front of the house, father Ignis bled and froze to death. A spear protruded from his chest, and his lifeless eyes shone in the morning sun. Snow covered his body. 

Before Luna could even call for help, she turned around and saw the house was on fire. Lannisters' soldiers surrounded the house on their horses. Luna rushed into the house to wake up her mother and brother. The fire was consuming everything in front of it. Black smoke and golden flames filled the interior. Opal and Alba woke up. The frightened mother rushed to save everything that could be saved from their house, but in vain. The fire caught everything she threw out. Opal rushed and took Luna outside, throwing her on the ground and cursing everyone who have set their house on fire. He fought with Lannisters' soldiers with all his power. Suddenly, an arrow striked him straight to his brave heart. ''You're not from Dorne to steal from other families,'' he heard a voice before letting out his last breath. Jaime Lannister, that was his voice. Luna tried to crawl to her brother to pluck the arrow out of his chest, but it was no use. He was gone. She could only listen to her mother's screeches who was swallowed by this hellish, scorching bath of the flames. Tears came to her eyes, all the nastiness from her stomach spilled out of her mouth, feeling the dizziness in her head. She let out a loud, piercing, heartbreaking scream. Everything stopped, except for the fire. It was the scream of a child left alone in the world. All of the Lannisters' soldiers watched the poor girl in terror. Screaming uncontrollably, Luna fell unconscious to the ground. All she remembered was horrors of this dawn. A morning sun turned black in her eyes, along with the sky. Jaime looked at the poor young creature lying on the ground, without conscious...


7 years later...

After all that terror, Luna became the part of the Lannister family. It was on the same day she lost her family and her home. Cersei and Jaime adopted her as their own daughter. They knew of the prophecy, but decided to keep her, to wash their hands from all the evil Lannisters have done. Sir Tyrion Lannister thought different. One good deed is not enough to redempt for thousands of evil ones. Despite everything, he accepted Luna as she was his own niece. He knew Luna had a good heart. Old Tywin Lannister, he made peace with himself. He didn't even notice the newcomer. He knew it wasn't his blood, but he resigned himself to it, shaking his hands at everything Cersei or Jaime done. The one who didn't like Luna was her stepbrother Joffrey. From day one he said that she was a threat to his throne and that she would only come at it over his dead body. Cersei would always reasure him that Luna doesn't mean no harm, in the same time being afraid for herself. She was the most beautiful, the wisest woman in whole Westeros, but with Luna's arrival, she fell in the second plan.

And now? Luna grew up into a beautiful young woman, with the same beauty and knowledge she had before. No fire in this world could ever burn it, nor ice and snow could freeze it. Now having everything she ever dreamed of, she aspired to other things. She strove for poetry, love and travelling the world. This helped her suppress the misfortune that befell her. Besides reading and writing, she loved flowers the most. She loved yellow roses the most. Since she came, she has also taken a liking to fencing. She had something in her blood from her late father, Ignis. No wonder Joffrey was going mad. Also, she knew how to interpret dreams and see the future from tea leaves and the flight of crows. She was free to roam the castle, however she wanted. But all the informations about Dorne were limited to her. Why? Cersei's orders. But something didn't give Luna a break - why was this happening?

It was because of the old feud of Lannisters and Martells...

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