♡In the garden♡

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It's nearing midnight.
Your family's all in bed.
All but you.
You feel unable to sleep.
Feel the need to explore.
The need to run.

You do.
Unsure of where you're going, and why you're going where your legs may lead you, but not really questioning it.

You walk and walk, the world around you becoming unfamiliar.

You've never seen where you are now.
well maybe you have...
It feels familiar yet forigen.
Like you've been here before, but never set foot of the earth of this


You walk on till you see a sign.
It reads.
Garden of eternal love.

Your curiosity gets the best of you as you walk in.
It seems normal at first, pink and white tulips sprouting from the ground.
You feel the lush grass under your feet...

The first sense you've had since getting here.

The want to move further into this ethereal looking garden pulls you further though.
But, what you fail to notice is the stone sticking out of the ground.

First only afew, scattered and barely noticeable, but the further you venture, the more appear, until, you're completely surrounded but there stones, everywhere you turn there's a delicately carved stone. And the more you look you realise, you're not in any normal garden, you're in a cemetery.

Beautiful cross shaped stones surround you in neat rows, but the carved writing, is messy, and looks rushed, like the person who made it did it with a rock or a strong stick, maybe a knife.

The writing on one stone reads

"𝑹𝙪𝐞 𝖆𝙣𝗱 𝙏ℴ𝔪

𝖏𝙣 𝒍ℴ𝒗𝐞 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝖗𝙣𝖆𝒍𝒍𝒚"

People's names, along with the words "in love eternally"  are written on every stone.

You keep walking, the feeling of something being off becoming more prominent with each passing second.
When, all of a sudden, you here screaming, a scream you feel like you recognise.
But to out of it to realise exactly who it is, you run, not sure if it's away from or towards it.

You just run.

You come to a halt as a body enters your vision slowly.
you see someone walking towards you.
Something slung over their shoulder,  and holding what seemed to be a axe in the other hand.
As the figure becomes closer, you realise that what's over their shoulder, is a body.
A gaping hole in its abdoment, its large intestine, dangling out, and other organs barely staying in.

You notice that the body looks like one you're seen before, then I clicks, it's your significant other.
Slung over the shoulder or a murder, guts hanging out of their body.
A vile taste fills your mouth, all your senses coming back to you.
And yet, you find yourself unable to move.
You feel vomit travel up your throat and come out of you mouth just as the man drops the body down between the both of you and goes to swing his axe into your skull,  vomit covers his body and as it enters his eyes, he barely grazes your clothes.

You take this moment, to run back the way you came.

You get about a mile before stopping, very stupidly.
But not hearing footsteps, you decide to walk to save energy incase you need to run again.

You notice how the garden feels longer, but you can see the exit.
You've escaped the cemetery part of this place by now.

You keep walking, the world turned silent, just the sound of your bare feet rustling in the grass is heard, but you slowly feel things begin to caress your feet, their grip tighter and tighter, you try to get your feet free, but to no avail.

You look down to see tulips, wrapped around your feet in a spiral. The stems growing and making their way up your legs as you hear someone coming up behind you. Unable to move, you begin to hope and beg that this is all just a dream.

And as you feel the axe smash through the bine of you skull, everything goes black.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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