Chapter 2: The first mew

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   Aang, toph, katara, zuko, momo, and sokka were on a mission. Ever since they defeated the fire lord, they thought everyone would immediately go back to normal. Did it? Unfortunately not. Thugs were still secretly out there, worshipping the fire lord's name in jail. When they escaped, they robbed poor people and took food from them, used illegal acts of fire bending and much more. When they arrived at the place, Appa had to stay in a cave on the island since he was a bit too big for the city itself. Aang, momo and Katara decided to handle one thing and toph, sokka and zuko went to find more supplies. Later on after they splitted up, sokka ran into some thugs by accident and thought they were normal people living in the city. Instead, he was caught off guard when they stole the supply he was holding and started attacking him. He yelped for the rest of the gaang to help, but even for them, they were out numbered. 

    "There's too many of them!" Sokka said while screeching and swinging his sword chaotically. "Maybe if you were smart enough to see that they looked fresh out of jail, we wouldn't be without supplies dealing with this!" Katara complained. "Stop fighting already, they're getting away!" Zuko and aang pointed out. They all started rapidly running after the thugs and captured them using a bit of bending. However, the thugs were too powerful and got away again! This time, the gaang called appa, and oooh boy. The thugs were cooked. Appa arrived ASAP and locked in. He used mewing power! 

The whole gang gasped in shock. Appa was mewing! 

"APPA CAN MEW?" Aang yelled and expressed, unfathomed in horror. "I think I saw him do it once or so," Toph said sarcastically. The gaang went quiet because of that comment until they broke it when the thugs disappeared. "Where did they go?" Zuko said. They walked over to see where they were, and the thugs were laying on the ground, completely passed out. Appa was roaring and sighing after mewing.

"Shouldn't we help them? I mean they are still people after all." Katara claimed. "Well maybe if they didn't try to rob us we would've cared for them properly." Sokka stated. "We should just put them back in jail then." Toph added on. 

The gaang gathered the people on appa and flew to the jail to put them back in their place. They started going on with their journey afterwards, happy to know appa could mew!

"I still can't believe appa is a mewing bison. That's sooo cool!" Aang exclaimed. "Yeah, yeah whatever we get it twinkle toes." Toph sighed, laying down trying to rest. "Let's just try to get some rest now." Katara said. The whole gang nodded and went to sleep for the rest of the flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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