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                [ CHAPTER ONE ]
[ NOVEMBER 14th 1997

          The sound of her peers chattering reached Clover's ears who sat perched on one of the benches outside of the school waiting for her dad to pick her up

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          The sound of her peers chattering reached Clover's ears who sat perched on one of the benches outside of the school waiting for her dad to pick her up. She let her eyes explore the scenery around her before they landed onto Ronan Kyle who drove straight by the bench with his older brother but not before making eye contact with the Bella girl. Clover furrowed her brows before looking at her dad who had finally arrived in his particularly ugly bright green car— that's just Clover's opinion, her father would beg to differ.

" You had to show up in this car out of the two we have?" Clover questioned her father who sighed in exasperation already knowing where she was going with this. Over the week she had been mentioning how embarrassed she was of the car and how she no longer wanted him to pick her up in it but he couldn't care less if you'd ask him.

" Clover, get over it already. Please?" Keenan pleaded with tired eyes. Clover scanned his face before nodding and letting the car envelope in silence which wasn't anything new.

" How was school? You did go right?" He looked at his daughter who avoided his gaze and decided to look at the window as they sat in the parking lot of the school.

" I went after lunch." She mumbled but she knew he heard because of the groan he let out. " It was Gym day okay? They made fun of me last time so I skipped." She tried to justify her actions but her father just shook his head and held a hand up to stop her.

" Clover, I thought we said we were gonna do better this week? I seriously need you to try for me okay? These people are going to start getting on my ass if you keep doing what you're doing." Keenan glanced at Clover who fiddled with her fingers in her lap with her lips pressed into a thin line.

" Yeah, whatever." Clover nodded absentmindedly.

" Plus I would hate to take your gift I got you." Keenan said in amusement watching his daughter's eyes snap toward him. He trailed his eyes over to the glove compartment to which Clover followed.

" You're kidding? No fucking way." Clover excitedly rambled grabbing the Foo Fighters CD and admiring the thing like it's the first time she's seen one. She placed the object into the CD player and bobbed her head once the voice of the band filled the car.

" Can we drive through Westbound?" She turned toward her dad who furrowed his brows in confusion but nodded nonetheless.

" Sure but why?" He questioned but started his car and drove off from the parking lot.

" I want to see the scenery and stuff." She said which wasn't a lie but there was more to it.

The music flowed through the car as the father-daughter duo drove past the infamous cliff that Clover always admired no matter how many times she's seen it since they've moved here. Clover's eyes caught onto a boy walking out of a rundown car shop who she knew as Rafe Carmine— a supposed drug dealer if you wanted to call it that.

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