The Battle Between Father and Mother Part 1

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This chapter will be divided into two chapters and they will be very long I believe have fun reading. :)

"Boys show me the way to her," she said strictly eyeing the lost boys that stayed near camp. "Yes Mother," They said and didn't dare to go against her words leading her to a caged Wendy. "Wendy Darling, why did he put you in the cage again I thought I got you out for good?" She asked bending down to Wendy Darling while putting down her daughter in front of her. One of the guards went back to the area where they were and the other still standing there.

"After you disappeared I was about to go when he went crazy again more than his usual crazy like power crazy there's something wrong more than normal going on Y/n you need to help fix it," Wendy said in worry. "Yeah I know what it is but I need you and the lost girls I gathered for to help me, and I feel your brothers are almost close to rescuing you," Y/n said happily undoing the ropes.

"You better not," a lost boy said. "Wendy holds Nolan for me dear," Y/n said after she freed Wendy. "Now what happened to me being the queen dearie?" Y/n said cunningly to the lost boy as he had the stick against her flesh. "Mother you know the code," he said while still having his mask on. "Well now it's time to reveal," she said swirling around him and taking the cloth to reveal the face behind it. "Iris I should have known you cunning clever girl, I taught you so well love," Y/n said handing her back the cloth while going back to her child, "I like We..nndy," Nolan said hugging the girl while having trouble pronouncing Wendy's name.

"What about Iris do you like her?" She asked the daughter curiously. Nolan nodded her head yes. "Good now let's go gather the rest," Y/n said with a wicked grin.


"Hey, Peter how do you feel if I gather a group of girls to be my lost girls?" Y/n asked Peter while sword-fighting with him. "What about the boys?" He asked curiously. "Well they have you and I want to not be the only other girl than the prisoners that are," Y/n said leaning against him with her knife against his throat.

"How about you take the girls that are prisoners as your lost girls, if they'll accept," Peter said putting Y/n in the same position with a couple of moves as she did to him. "Ok, and what if after that I get more girls? Huh?" She said swiftly putting him back in the same position as before but against a tree.

"Whatever you want my love, but how will you draw new girls?" He asked curiously smiling as the knife made touch against his throat again and his back against a tree. "The same way you do dear, a flute," she said about to lower the sword but then in a swift move Peter had her back against her with the knife against her throat.

"And how did you make such flute that might draw in lost girls?" He asked. She put her hand against the knife making it not touch her again and with her foot, she tripped pan on the ground and landed on him pinning him to the ground. "The same way you did with yours my love and it works," she said looking down at him below her. He thought to himself self how could he fall for such a girl, he also thought she could do no wrong.

"Huhm" Felix grunted. "Sorry to interrupt something but Y/n, Wendy Darling is Strictly wanting you," Felix said. "Well thank you for telling me to make sure she knows I'm coming," she said getting up and helping Peter up. "She shall be your first lost girl," Peter said. "Thank you dear," she said exactly kissing him on the lips.

"Y/n thank god you took forever," Wendy said to her dear friend. Ever since Y/n found out Peter put Wendy in a cage she has been trying to get her out. "So sorry Wendy but I have semi-good news you're gonna be one of my lost girls, and I have a feeling I don't know when but your brothers are going to be looking for you soon," Y/n whispered the last part into her ear.

They got Wendy out and went down to the camp to join the boys for the night. "Don't worry you can have the tent I was using before I moved in with Peter everything is set up in there with you too. "Great to have you join us again Wendy," Devin told Wendy.

"The sky's not blue," Y/n said arguing with Devin for the millionth time "No it's blue it's obvious it is," Devin said back the lost boys were watching then, pan saw the event, and went over to see what was happing "he being mean to me," Y/n said to Peter with a pouty face. "What!" Peter said, "She said the sky wasn't blue," Devin said to Peter. Peter looked at Y/n for a minute and said "One second my love,"

"She said it's not so it's not!" Peter said to Devin. "Dude just look up," Devin said. "She does no wrong!" Pan said before Devin could say anything else.

The night went on and Y/n randomly blurted out to Wendy.
"I wish we didn't have to deal with boys sometimes,"
"Yeah me too," she replied.
"I'd date you if you were a boy,"
"I'd date you too,"
All the lost boys looked shocked at what the girls said and Peter looked a little hurt and most curious.
"That's normal though," Y/n said
"Yeah everybody feels that about their best friend," Wendy replied.
"Yeah," Y/n said.

It was a couple of days and Y/n already had a group of lost girls from all different places the girls that were prisoners included Wendy as her lost girls, they were all training and today they would train with the boys for the first time. So far the girls were doing excellent training with the boys like a pirate ship. Some of the girls she had were born from pirates so it only was fitting for her to have them, everyone considered her as Mother, Queen, Majesty, or more names every day. Everyone knew she was the ruler of Neverland with Peter Pan and even everyone on her father's ship knew now.
                                End of flashback

As she gathered the lost bit of her lost girl and introduced Nolan to each of them the girl seemed to warm up to her mother's followers and the hope she gave them no matter what kind of hope it was. Nolan was a very smart child and she knew she made a good decision to stay with her mother for this fight even with how much she loves her father.

"Wanna go kick Daddy's butt now?" Y/n asked her daughter. "Yeah let's go!" She yelled cheerfully. "Girls I've missed you so much," she said to all of them. "We missed you too Y/n," Iris said. "Let's go girls time to recuse some others," she laughed wickedly walking away with the girls behind her.

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