My How You Have Grown

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I walked up the steps to our house, I'd been gone for a two weeks with some of my girl friends on vacation. I searched my pockets and bag for the house key, but I couldn't find it. "Shoot..." I whispered under my breath, before knocking on the door. A few seconds later, my husband opened the door. "Shane!" I exclaimed as I hugged him excitedly.
"I missed you so much." He said, hugging me tightly. I stepped back after a moment, and took in what he looked like. He had his usual stubble, contributing to his scruffy charm. His hair was messily flopped over his forehead, but it still looked styled. Something caught my eye. I looked down his torso, my eyes widening when I saw his shirt was just on the edge of being too small, straining around his belly.
"Looks like someone was busy." I said, moving forward and putting my hands on his belly. He sheepishly smiled. "I had a lot of free time...want to go assess the damage?"
I looked up at him and smiled. "You know I do."
We went into the living room to the sofa. I lifted his shirt, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "You look so big sexy..." He closed his eyes and lazily grinned.
"I'm glad you like it."
I gently traced my fingers over the new stretch marks that were on his sides.
"Beautiful..." I whispered. I gently fondled his love handles. "Oh need new shorts." I said sympathetically, as I undid his shorts and pulled the waistband down a little, revealing red lines where the waistband had been cutting into his soft flesh. He sighed in relief.
"Yeah, I know...I didn't feel like going clothes shopping without you though. We always have so much fun." He said, smiling slyly at me.
"We'll do that soon." I promised as I snuggled into his side, resting my head on his chest, my hand idly sitting on his belly, gently rubbing it slowly.
"I missed your cooking." He said, putting an arm around me.
"Don't worry, I'll make up for all the lost meals I wasn't able to make for you, and then some."

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