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A blow to the face. Another… Another… Another… this time, the ground instead of a fist. I could feel the warm blood flowing down my face, and saw a shadow standing over me holding a dagger. I felt my eyes widen as I saw the blade coming down, feeling a shocking pain.

I woke up screaming in a cold sweat. I looked down at my hands, shaking in horror, checking my clock. 7:45. “Damn,” I think to myself “Kranson’s  gonna have my ass if I’m late again.” I grab a quick shower, put on my make-up, and throw on clothes that only seem clean. As I’m closing the front door, I hear my grandmother call after me.  “Jinxx!!” “Yes, grandmother?” I answer in an aggravated tone as I walk back in. “Have you had your breakfast?” she asks. “I don’t have ti-” I start to say as I get cut off. “I don’t care,” she says “you really want people noticing those fangs of yours? Come now, drink up.” She finishes, handing me a glass of thick red blood. I swallow the sweet crimson liquid quickly “thank you grandmother. Goodbye.” “Goodbye my child. Remember, training afterschool today” She replies as she kisses me on the forehead. I walked outside, glancing at my phone. My eyes widened as I break into a sprint. The school was about 10 blocks, and I had 5 minutes. The bell rings as soon as I ran into the school. I rushed to my locker and grabed my books, almost running to homeroom. I burst through the door, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then I heard a familiar voice. Kranson.

“Ah, nice of you to join us Ms.Durella.” Kranson said with a sly smile on his face.

I gave him an evil look “Where’s Mrs. Harrison?” I ask. Mrs. Harrison was one of the best teachers I ever had. She was in her late 20’s and absolutely beautiful. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes with a tint of gray. She was a petite woman that always had style. Although I was merely a student, we were good friends. From what she’s explained to me, she was like me at my age. I can see that though, considering how we act so similar. “She’ll be.. out … for a few days,” he said, still smiling. “I shall be taking her place until she gets back though.” “Great,” I thought to myself “this is just what I need.”  I cautiously walked to my seat and sat down as the bell rang for first period.

I heard the giggles of the pop-tarts. One came into view and walked past me. “Freak” she said. “Whore” I replied snobbishly. It was true though. The girls’ name was Mindy Aarons. She had blond hair and deep brown eyes that sparkled when she smiled. Her teeth were perfect, and so was everything else. Except that she had slept with several guys this year. So you can understand how she was a whore.

She looked at me angrily, only showing that I had pissed her off. I just smirked and waited for Jarred to come in. As soon as I saw him, I started to smile. We had been best friends since 2nd grade, and his hair used to be blond then. Now it was jet black, and he had green tips. He was incredibly handsome, but unfortunately, he was gay. We look alike. Except my hair had blue tips.

Later on during class, Kranson reminded the class that we had poems due today. As we turned them in, he decided to pick mine to read aloud to the class. I sunk down in my seat as I heard giggles all around me.  As he started to read it, I stopped him, telling him I would read it.

I walked steadily up to the front and began to read:

As I start to see my world crumble around me,

I start to wonder

if they know

My secret.

The truth.

My fear.

Have they noticed the change in me?

In my appearance?

In my mind?

I’m violent...

And my temper has become shorter.

Lets hope I won’t explode.

I looked up from the paper. Only a few people were smiling, including Jarred (of course). Mindy glared at me, and Kranson only looked at me blankly. I began to sit down as the bell rang. I picked up my books and began walking out the door, when Mindy shoved me, knocking my books out of my hands. “Ohmigod, I’m sooooo sorry. Loser!” She said with sarcasm in her voice.

I became extremely angry. I jumped on top of her, and started screaming at her. “You stupid bitch!! I swear to God I’m going to kill YOU!” I began to wail on her. Every punch felt amazing. I had held the anger in for so long. Blood started coming out her nose and mouth. I could feel her adrenaline pumping through her, and I could smell her sweet blood. My own adrenaline began to raise as I hit her harder.

I hit her one last time, feeling my fangs shoot through my gums. I was hungry for real blood, and I was ready to take it. I bit into her neck, and began to drink and drink. I drank until she was completely dry. This meant she was dead. I was proud of myself, but at the same time, I was terrified because everyone now knew my secret. I looked up, blood streaked down my chin.

One of Mindy’s friends screamed and called for help. I darted out of the school, back home.

I ran through the door, screaming for my grandmother. I walked into her room, only to find her with a stake in her chest. I screamed at the top of my lungs and began to bawl. I was shaking like crazy, and I was completely scared. 

I turned to run out, only to find Kranson standing in the doorway with blood on his shirt. The last thing I saw was another stake, and Kransons evil grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2011 ⏰

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