06 | shitty as fuck

49 2 11

I put the letter back into my pocket and take a better look around the wing. So there is definitely one secret passage, I should find the others before some creep does. I take a step into the office, a large table, six chairs on the side and one on the end. Theo room was filled with medals, trophies, posters and other stuff.

this man... I sigh deeply, why is everything so exhausting right now? I let myself fall into the chair where Mr. Hawthorne would be sitting. I scan the room for something, something making this all less complicated. I see so many awards from the boys, it seems like they did everything. I furrow my brows. If they did an activity, they only did it for a year, like every award from Xander of surfing was from the same year.

They did the same?

I remember the day clear:
It was the 17th July. I woke up, happier than ever -eight years old, proud eight years old. I sprung out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Immediately greeted by May and Asher and a birthday cake in Mays hands, a red cake with eight yellow candles.

I closed my eyes and wished for something I've been wishing for months.


Health for my favorite driver, Jules Bianchi, he was in a tragic accident and in a coma since.


I blow all my candles out, eat breakfast and then my cake with May and my friends. Luckily for me, today was a race again. We all headed to the track. Asher did our traditional helmet bump. It seems all silly, considering we both always fall back, because we always do it too hard. But I can't complain, it always gives me good luck. I got p1 on that day. After finishing the celebration, a few men dressed in suits were asking for my presence. They took me to the meeting room and explained to me:

From now on I will choose an interest; language, hobby, or other; every year. I also have to invest 10.000 Dollar in something.

A bit weird gift for an eight year old, but it was definitely not bad. I told the men that I want to learn martial arts.

The next years were the same, men in suits asking me what activity I choose. The next week or so my manager or someone else will inform me about the when and where, I learned the stuff in light speed. Of course I still did racing and the dumb adrenaline stuff.

As for the money I invested in everything; cryptocurrency from to the local homeless animal shelter. I wanted a cat and a dog so bad, but May had an allergy making it impossible.

I receive a message from my manager and snap out of my thoughts. She informed me that she enrolled me into The Heights Country Day, because of my request to live here for a while. She already shipped all my things, literally everything cars, bikes, clothes, hell maybe even my trophies. Celine always does the best job.

wait? Why does this drawer have a 'T.' engraved Let me just- knew it.

It was a hidden compartment, a birth certificate was nearly placed in there. It was Averys. This is getting too creepy. It is really a normal birth certificate, with name and everything, though. Maybe she should know about it, I will give it to her tomorrow. But there must be something else, right? This whole shit show is definitely not a coincidence.


Next morning Alisa, Celine and Oren, Averys personal bodyguard, greets me and introduces my bodyguard. Mike, an east-asian guy with surprisingly bright blue eyes. He nods a hello to me and explains that the remaining bodyguards will only step in if necessary and he will be the one who follows me most of the time.

After his speech, Alisa suggests "You should hurry up, breakfast is in 5." I turn my gaze to her and see double, Celine and Alisa look in their matching suits, hairstyle and expressions like best friends. Hell they probably already are, I think Celine always worked for McNamara, Ortega & Jones. They could be work friends or something. "Can I eat here?" I ask bringing myself out of my thoughts. "Fine. I'll go with your trainers suggested plan, that okay?" Celine doesn't wait for my answer already heading out with the rest.

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