Tygren x Thalleous Story 3

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FYI: In this story Thalleous and Tygren are now married which a thought that I had while I was doing Ibis yesterday so hope you guys enjoy :D

It was nighttime and everyone in Sendaria was asleep except for Thalleous and Tygren. Thalleous and Tygren were in a room together cuddling, Thalleous enjoys cuddling with Tygren until he thought of him and Tygren going on their honeymoon

Thalleous: Tygren?

Tygren responds

Tygren: What is it, love?

Thalleous explains

Thalleous: I've been thinking, since we're married why don't we go on a honeymoon

Tygren blushed then responded

Tygren: Oh, I've been thinking of that aswell

Thalleous smiled at Tygren

Thalleous: Great, where do you want our honeymoon to be?

Tygren answers

Tygren: Hmm... maybe Mt. Velgrin?

Thalleous informed

Thalleous: Mt. Velgrin? Didn't we fought there?

Tygren explains

Tygren: I know but it was the first thing I had in mind

Thalleous blushed and smiled then he kisses Tygren on the forehead

Thalleous: Mt. Velgrin it is then

Tygren responds

Tygren: I love you, Thalleous

Thalleous replied

Thalleous: I love you aswell, Tygren

Thalleous and Tygren sleep together then the next day, Thalleous was already awake while Tygren was packing their stuff for their honeymoon

Thalleous: Tygren, do you think we should bring our Songs?

Tygren answered

Tygren: Of course, we wouldn't know what danger lurks

Thalleous chuckled

Thalleous: Alright Mr. Over Protective

Tygren blushed then smiles

Thalleous and Tygren were already done preparing then they went outside

Thalleous gets on Timber then Tygren gets on

Thalleous: Ready, dear?

Tygren responds

Tygren: Yes

Thalleous and Tygren travelled to Mt. Velgrin. It was long way to Mt. Velgrin but they arrived ( DON'T ASK HOW TF THEY GOT THERE SO FAST)

Tygren gets off of Timber first then helps Thalleous then Thalleous chuckles and blushes.

Thalleous: Phew, it got colder than I imagined the last time I got here

Thalleous was a bit cold then Tygren gets him a cloak

Thalleous: Oh, thank you

Tygren kisses him

Tygren: You're welcome my love. Want to sit over there?

Tygren points at the spot then Thalleous agrees

Thalleous: Sure

Thalleous and Tygren sit at the spot then they drink a bit of wine Tygren brought

Thalleous: Wine? Won't we get drunk and dizzy after drinking?

Tygren answered

Tygren: We will, that's what makes a honeymoon better

Thalleous smiles

Thalleous: Oh alright

They drink wine(LOTS OF THAT SHI-) then Thalleous started to feel drunk

Thalleous: Tygren, I'm starting to feel weird now *hic*

Tygren considered what he had done

Tygren: Well, don't worry it'll wear off in a few a hours

Thalleous tried to stand up but trips because of dizziness

Thalleous: Oof!

Tygren informed Thalleous

Tygren: Don't stand up, lots of ice here

Tygren held Thalleous by the shoulder then kisses Thalleous on the cheeks

Thalleous: Heheh..

(Dk what to put here)

Tygren: So what do you have in mind next?

Thalleous answered

Thalleous: Hmm... maybe... sparring *hic*

Tygren was surprised

Tygren: Sparring..?

Thalleous explained

Thalleous: Yes, you know practice our fighting skills *hic*

Tygren informed Thalleous

Tygren: But you're drunk-

Thalleous tuts Tygren with his finger

Thalleous: You worry to much you know?

Thalleous smiles then kisses Tygren slightly on the lips

Tygren: Well, alright then

Thalleous and Tygren get their swords then they spar. While sparring, Tygren tried to be gentle because Thalleous was drunk but Thalleous insisted to do more but when Thalleous tried to dodge, Tygren accidentally slashed Thalleous on the back

Tygren: ^FUCK!^

Thalleous groaned in pain

Thalleous: O-ow...

Tygren runs over to Thalleous

Tygren: Shit, I'm so sorry-

Thalleous tried to comfort Tygren

Thalleous: Tygren, don't worry-

Tygren shouted


Thalleous was surprised but Tygren continues

Tygren: I'am trying to take care of you so STOP denying it

Thalleous blushed but then agrees

Thalleous: O-ok, I-I guess you're right..

Tygren was angry but cared for Thalleous at the same time so he helped Thalleous get up, Thalleous was able to get up then they go get bandages

Thalleous: Tygren..?

Tygren replied

Tygren: What?

Thalleous answers

Thalleous: Can I hold your hand?

Tygren blushed but holds Thalleous without speaking

Thalleous: ...

Thalleous chuckled with delight

Thalleous: Thank you

Thalleous then lies his head on Tygren's shoulder

Tygren: You're welcome..

I hope you guys like this story, bye have a nice day😁😁

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