Chapter 15 "Go, Back, Sleep, And Darling"

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(Like it? I made this myself and I am SO sorry for my POOR including comas please forgive)

Olivia's POV:
(Time skip the next morning):

After last night, I woke up in......

James's bed?!

  With James's arms around my waist. I was wearing James's bright red shirt, and my blue and purple short shorts. James, had on nothing but dark blue underwear. I quickly sat up, looking everywhere and back at James. But he was still sleeping.

  And James's sweet, soft, and warm hand quickly fell off of my waist, when I quickly sat up.  James mumbled something quietly and not enough to understand. I heard a few words though, "Go, Back, Sleep, And Darling" I heard my phone ringing loud and irritatingly.

     When I grabbed it I knew it. "It's mom well, Emma". I say quietly and in a whisper. When I answered it, I heard Emma's voice, yelling, crying, and whining. I quickly hang up and, checked the time.


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