The Poor Man's Date Palms

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A poor man named Abdullah lived in a small village. He worked hard to support his family, but they often went to bed hungry. One day, while working in the fields, Abdullah found a few date palm seeds. He planted them in his backyard, hoping to one day have a bountiful harvest.

Years passed, and the date palms grew tall and strong. Abdullah would often look at them and pray, "O Allah, provide for my family through these palms." But despite his prayers, the palms produced very little fruit.

One day, a wealthy merchant passed through the village and offered to buy Abdullah's date palms. Abdullah was hesitant, but the merchant persisted, offering a large sum of money. Abdullah finally agreed, thinking the money would solve his financial problems.

But as soon as the merchant left, Abdullah felt a deep sense of regret. He had sold the very thing he had prayed to Allah to provide for his family. That night, he couldn't sleep, feeling guilty and ashamed.

The next morning, the merchant returned, looking worried. "Abdullah, I had a dream last night," he said. "A voice told me to return your date palms can you please give me back my money "
Abdullah was happy because he really was upset because he sold the palms and he accepted the offer with joy and gave the merchant his money back

after that Adullah kept taking care of the palms trees and continued praying to Allah to provide for him and his family, weeks passed and Abdullah started to regret accepting the offer of the merchant, he said " i wish that i kept the money "
But one dayhe woke up and saw that the palms had fruit on it and it was very sweet dates Abdullah was overjoyed and thanked Allah for His mercy.
he went to the market to sell the harvest and he came back with a large bag of money that was the double amount of what the merchant offered for the palms trees

From then on, the date palms produced an abundance of fruit, and Abdullah's family never went hungry again. Abdullah learned that trusting in Allah and being patient is often the key to true prosperity.

This story teaches us about:

· Tawakkul (trust in Allah)
· Sabr (patience)
· Gratitude
· The power of prayer

By : Maya Salim

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