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One minute they were on that roof the next they were at the hospital Steve, Hill, and Natasha were watching as the doctors were trying to save furry but Thalia was in the restroom washing her face with water after seeing him the man with the metal arm he looks the same as he did when she saw him all those years ago but she shook her head and left the bathroom.

As Thalia walks out of the restroom she sits in the waiting room until steve and Natasha come out "Hey you okay?" Asked Steve he noticed how she froze up earlier "Yeah i'm fine I think i'm just gonna head home" Said Thalia Steve nods and when Thalia gets up he hugs her putting his chin on her head she hugged him back before geo leaping to her car.

Once she got home she got into the shower just sitting in there thinking about everything and by the time she got out the water was cold thalia then got dressed doing her hair and going out to her couch sitting down with her blanket around her just staring off into the distance until she hears banging on her door.

Getting up slowly grabbing a baseball bat the beside her door she looks through the peak hole to see Steve and Natasha she opens the door and the two just walk in making her shut the door and look at them "What the hell are you to doing banging on my door like you the police or something" Said Thalia crossing her arms.

"We need to go and we need your help" Said Natasha "What?" Asked Thalia "Do you remember the flash drive furry gave me?" Asked Steve "Yeah why" Said Thalia "Well we need to get into it but we need your help" Said Steve "Okay give me the drive" Said Thalia "We can't do it here" Said Natasha Thalia let out a sigh knowing she's most likely gonna regret this.

Now wearing a hoodie to cover her face at the mall with Steve and Natasha "I should have never answered that door" mumbled Thalia but steve heard her and looked down at her as they got into the store thalia started to hack into the drive bending over which made steve look away but made Natasha smirk looking at the two you'd have to be stupid not to notice the bitter tension between the two.

"The drive has a level six homing program so as soon as we boot up S.H.I.E.L.D will know exactly where we are" Said Thalia "How much time will we have?" Asked Steve "About nine minutes from now" Said Thalia "Fury was right about that ship, somebody's trying to hide something" Said Natasha as files start to pop up Thalia raises a brow and looks over at Steve who leans up behind her looking at the files as well.

"This drive is protected by some sort of AI it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands" Said Thalia "Can you override it?" Asked Steve making thalia stop and look at him "Rogers I am one of the smartest woman Alive If i Can hack into the FBI I can override some little AI" Said Thalia "The person who developed this might be slightly smarter than you Thal" Said Natasha.

Thalia Sighs and shakes her head not even giving Natasha a sarcastic comment "I'm gonna try running a tracer, this program that S.H.I.E.L.D developed to track hostile malware so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from" Said Thalia "Can I help you guys with anything?" Asked A blonde man with long hair and a beard

"Oh no I was just helping my friend and her fiance with some honeymoon destinations for them" Said Natasha making Thalia's eyes go wide but she quickly shakes it away and smile wrapping her arms around Steves waist "Right we're getting married" Said Steve looking down at Thalia smiling at her she gave him one back "Congratulations where you guys thinking about going?" Asked The man as Thalia went back to the computer.

"New jersey" Said Steve "Oh" Said The man until he started to make a shocked face while looking at steve who thought he knew who he was "I have the exact same glasses" Said The man "Wow you two are practically twins" Said Natasha looking at the computer with thalia who who snorted out a laugh "Yeah I wish, specimen but uh if you guys need anything i've been Aaron" Said The man now known as Aaron "Thank you" Said Steve.

"You said nine minutes come on thalia" Said Steve "Shh relax rogers and got it" Said Thalia as the place pops up which makes Steve look down at it "You know it?" Asked Natasha "I used to let's go" Said STeve grabbing the hard drive and grabbing Thalia's and as they walked out the store stev spoke up saying "Standard tac team, two behind, two across, and two coming straight at us is they make us "I'll engage, you two hit the south escalator to the metro" Said Steve.

"Shut up and put your arm around her and laugh at something she said" Said Natasha "what?" Asked Steve "Do it" Said Thalia Steve wraps his arm around Thalia looking down at her at laughing as she smiles at him and natasha just looks down at a magazine she just found as the agent walks past them Steve looks back but continues walking to the escalator.

As they were going down the escalator Natasha noticed rumlaw she looks back at steve and Thalia "Kiss her " Said Natasha "what?" They both ask at the same time "public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable" Said Natasha "Yes they do" Said Steve "Just do it" Natasha and Steve huffs before grabbing Thalia's face with each hands and kissing her which surprised her a bit but she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him as Natasha goes back to her magazine smiling.

When steve and Thalia pull back as they get to the bottom Natasha asked them "You still uncomfortable?" "It's not exactly the work I would use" Said Steve "I'm not even gonna comment" Said Thalia walking with them once they got out to the parking lot Steve hijacked a car or borrowing as he said.

After a while of driving they show up to a sign that says welcome to new jersey "Where did captain america learn how to steal a car?" Asked Thalia while putting her feet on the dash "Nazi Germany" Said Steve "Mmm" "And we're borrowing, take your feet off the dash" Said Steve Thalia rolls her eyes but does it anyway.

"Alright I have a question for you which you do not have to answer" Said Thalia "I feel like if you don't answer it though you're kind of answering it you know" Said Natasha already knowing what Thalia was gonna ask "Was that your first kiss since 1945?" Asked Thalia "That bad huh?" Asked Steve "I didn't say that" Said Thalia putting her hands up in surrender.

"well it kinds of sounds like what your saying Thal" Said Steve "No I didn't, I just wondered how much practice you've had" Said Thalia "You don't need practice" Said Steve "Everybody needs practice" Said Natasha "it was not my first kiss since 1945" Said Steve "Oh" Said Thalia looking out the window "I'm 95 not dead " Said Steve Thalia just nods continuing to look out the window.

"Nobody special though?" Asked Natasha Steve laughs "believe it or not it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience" Said Steve "Well it's alright you just make something up" Said Thalia with a shrug in weird tone making steve look at her "What is that what you do?" Asked Steve "No I never had to" Said Thalia "The truth is a matter of circumstance it's not all things to all people, all the time" Said Natasha Thalia just continues to look out the window blocking their conversation out until natasha knocked her out of her trance by saying "What about you Thalia when was the last time you kissed someone not counting this time" Asked Natasha.

Thalia looked down and at Natasha with a glare because truth be told that was Thalia's first kiss "That is none of your business and besides it was just a kiss" Said Thalia "So does that mean there is a special guy or girl" Asked Natasha "No there is not special guy or girl now go back to questioning rogers" Said Thalia rolling her eyes laying her head on the window and closing her eyes.

A/n: OMGGG THEY KISSEDDD and they liked it they just won't admit it but it's okay because they will soon

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