Part Four

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When Harry woke up again he was alone in the room. Light shone through the balcony door. He groaned as he sat up and looked around.

Needing to pee he slowly climbed out of bed and moved towards one of the two doors in the room, hoping it was a bathroom. He lucked out, and quickly shut the door behind him, and moved to the toilet.

While peeing, he heard the door to the bedroom open and footsteps. "Where is he?" Severus asked. He fixed himself and went to the sink. He turned on the faucet, and the talking in the room stopped.

He heard footsteps and then a knock on the door. He paused in his hand washing and looked at the door. He dried his hands on a nearby towel before slowly moving to the door and jumping when the knock came again.

He slowly reached out his hand and gripped the knob; turning it slowly, he pulled the door open and peeked through the small crack. He was met with worried eyes from Tom.

The man sighed when he saw the boy. "Oh, thank Merlin. I thought you left," He said, relieved.

Harry felt something against his leg, and He looked down to see Nagini making her way through the door and up to his body.

#Trust master,# The snake hissed and Harry took a deep breath before fully opening the door.

Severus approached them and gave the skinny teenager a once-over. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"F-fine," Harry stuttered out and the black-haired man nodded.

"Are you hungry? We can get to something to eat," Tom suggested, and Harry shook his head.

Tom looked over at Severus, who raised a brow at him. Tom rolled his eyes and looked back at Harry. "Why don't we sit down," He suggested and reached out a hand for Harry to take.

Harry looked at the hand, then Tom, then Severus, and finally at the snake still wrapped around him. The snake gave him a slight nod of the head. Harry slowly reached out his hand and placed it on the red-eyed man, who was patiently looking at him.

Tom led Harry over to the couch and sat him down. Harry moved to the corner of the couch and brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them making himself look smaller.

Severus sat down at the other end and Tom sat down behind him on the arm, both looking at the boy on the other side of the couch who was avoiding looking at them.

"Harry, we need to talk about what happened so we can know what to do," Severus said, and Harry looked up at them with scared eyes. He started to shake as thoughts of what had happened came back to him.

Severus saw this and quickly shuffled over to Harry. He gently rested a hand on Harry's shoulder, making the boy look up at him. "You have nothing to be worried about. You're safe here. Tom and I won't let anyone harm you," the long-haired man said, and Harry gave a shaky nod.

He looked back and forth between the two men before deciding to tell them about what happened at the Dursley household.

To say the two men were pissed at what they heard was an understatement. Harry watched as Tom released a deep breath, slowly calming himself.

"We need to get a goblin from Gringotts here, then we can get a healer," Tom said as he stood and exited the room. "A-a-are you going to send me back?" Harry stuttered out, and Severus quickly shook his head.

"No, of course, we aren't. You're 18, so you don't have to be there if you don't want to," Severus said quickly as he pulled Harry close to him and slowly wrapped his arms around him in a comforting but awkward hug.


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Word count: 629

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 9 am

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