Part Six

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'A/N: Name change for Harry'

Zacharias woke up hours later to only one of his parents sitting by his bed. He groaned and tried to sit up but was promptly pulled back down on the bed with a huff by a weight on his back.

A soft laugh came from beside him, and he looked up at Severus. "You'll get used to them," he said, and Zacharias gave him a confused look. "Your wings," the man said, standing from his chair and moving to the bed.

"Zach," he said softly, "I'm sorry. I treated you terribly for something you couldn't control." Severus apologized, and Zacharias looked up at him wide-eyed.

"I-it's OK, p-professor," Zach said; it would be a while before he could call Severus by a parental name; Severus gave him a small smile.

"Would you like to see yourself?" Severus asked and Zacharias nodded.

Severus conjured up a full-length mirror and then helped him off the bed. Zacharias's eyes widened when he saw his reflection in the mirror. His hair was long, almost to the middle of his back. He had black wings with red streaks, two small red horns, a tail that was red, red eyes, pale skin, and light pink lips. His muscles were toned but he looked both masculine and feminine at the same time.

"T-that's me?" He asked and Severus nodded.

"The demon half you get from your father, the horns, tail, and wings. The vampire half, the fangs, skin, and hair. You get from me," Severus told the small teenager as he inspected himself in the mirror.

"Are you hungry?" Severus asked and Zach's stomach grumbled.

"Sandy," Severus called and a house-elf appeared. "Bring Zach a light meal," he said and the elf before popped out.

Severus sat Zacharias back down on the bed and sat on the chair in front of him. "Hedwig," Zacharias said and Severus looked up at him.

"What?" He asked.

"My owl, my things are still at the Dursleys," Harry said and Severus shook his head.

"Your owl is downstairs. With Nagini, they have become a strange pair of friends," he said. "Your trunk and other belongings are in your bedroom," he continued, and Zach looked around.

"Not this room; this is mine and Tom's room. We have you in here because no one can enter except me and Tom, so you would be undisturbed here. Your room is across the hall four doors down. He just has to set up some wards like ours to make sure no one harms you," Severus said, and Zach looked at him, confused.

The house itself popped in with the small meal, and Harry slowly started to eat it.

"I'm going to stay here?" He asked and Severus nodded.

"Of course. Why wouldn't you?" He asked the small teenager.

"Tom doesn't like me, and you don't either. I figured you would just heal me and then send me back," Zach said and Severus quickly shook his head.

"We both love you, Zach. I never hated you; I just hated that you reminded me so much of your...well, of that Potter brat; you saw the memories. They weren't pretty," Severus said, taking Zach's hand in his. "Tom, at the moment, is having several internal crises. He thinks you will hate him for what he did," Severus told him softly.

"Because he tried to kill me?" Zach asked and the onyx-eyed man looked at him horrified.

"What?!? No, Tom never tried to kill you. Contrary to what many believe, he does have a heart. He wouldn't kill a child. He tried to get you out of the way, so he could get to the old fool. Tom found out that the prophecy was fake a few years ago. After that, he tried in stubble ways to try and tell you and get you to join our side. Get you away from the old man while still trying to keep up his dark lord appearance," Severus told him, and Zach frowned.

"But, if he was doing that, why would I hate him?" The confused teen asked and Severus sighed.

"He thinks he is the reason you had a terrible childhood, both your father and I know how it is to be abused with no way out. He thinks if it weren't for him, then you wouldn't have gone to an abusive home. That it is his fault Dumbledore took you and sent you to that place," Severus said, and Harry shook his head.

"But he didn't; it was Dumbledore," Zach said, and Severus nodded.

"Yes, well. You could tell him that when you see him," Severus said before casting a tempus. "It's one; I don't suppose you would want to go to Diagon Alley to get some new clothes?" Severus asked and Zacharias nodded.

"I would like that; I am getting tired of sitting in bed," Zach said, and Severus chuckled.

"OK, you can take a shower if you want and I'll bring you some clothes," Severus said before standing and exiting the room.


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Word count: 812

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 10 am

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