Part Thirteen

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It was the day they were to return to Hogwarts. Zach woke up to a knock at his door and groaned before rolling over. The door opened, and he opened his eyes to look up into Onyx's eyes, which were looking at him.

"It's time to get up, or you'll be late for the train," Severus said, looking at the sprawled-out wizard on the bed. "Do Have to take the train?" Zach whined and Severus huffed.

"Yes, you do; now up," He said, and Zach rolled out of bed and stumbled to his feet.

"Fine, I'll be done in a few minutes," He said and Severus ruffled his hair before heading out.

Zach headed into his closet, picked out an outfit, placed it on the bed, and took a quick shower. He then put his long black hair in a messy bun and put on a little makeup before looking at the black dress on the bed. It was a simple knee-length black dress with long sleeves and a white belt around the waist.

He was nervous because other than Severus and Remus, no one knew he had an interest in female clothes. He pulled on the dress and then pulled on a black pair of pumps. He looked in the full-length mirror on his clothes door, before deeming his outfit was OK.

He pouted his trunk behind him as he went down the stairs and placed it in the living room next to Draco's.

He went to the dining room where he knew the others were having breakfast. He slowly entered the room fearing their reaction. The room grew silent as he entered and slowly made his way over to his spot beside his mate.

"Zach," Remus said from beside him, and the boy looked up at the older man. "You look beautiful," he whispered, and Zach blushed.

He placed a few pieces of fruit and toast on his plate. He looked up at the others at the table and saw Severus looking at him proudly, and Draco, Tom, Sirius who had come to see him off, and Lucius looking at him with a smile.

The only person who didn't seem to like his new look, of course, was Narcissa, who had taken pleasure in glaring at him. They finished eating before they went to the floo and floo'd to the platform.

The platform was filled with families saying goodbye to students, and students lugging trunks onto the train.

"Bye, Papa," Zach said, looking at a wide-eyed Tom. He had decided that if he called Severus dad, then it would only be fair to call Tom papa. "I'll see you for Yule," he said, hugging Tom, who froze slightly before hugging back.

"Bye, Dad, I'll see you soon. Bye, Lucius," He said as he, Draco, and Remus made their way toward the train.

They went to the Slytherin carts and found an empty one before entering and putting privacy and locking charms on the cart, so they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Are you OK?" Remus asked Zach, who sat down, looking out the window of the train at the passengers on the platform.

"Yes, I have you," he said with a smile, and Remus gave him a disbelieving look. "Fine, I'm just worried about this year. Every year since I started Hogwarts, some terrible thing happens, and I'm caught up in the middle of it. I don't want that this year," Zach said exasperatedly. Remus sat beside him, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close until he was almost on his lap.

"Everything will be fine. Your father will have that old fool out of there before we go back for Yuletide," Remus said, briefly pressing his lips to Zach's, and the train started to move.


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Word count: 611

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 1:30 pm

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