Part Fourteen

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Remus and Zach separated as soon as the train stopped; Remus quickly kissed him goodbye before exiting the train and going to find Severus to stay in his quarters until after the sorting ceremony where Zach had to wait to be resorted along with the first years.

He entered the Great Hall, Zach looked around and gave Draco a slight smile before turning back to the ceremony. "Zacharias Snape-Riddle," McGonagall called and the whole hall went silent as he sat on the stool and the hat was placed on his head.

'Ah, Good to see you have come to find the truth, Mr. Snape Riddle,' The hat said.

"Hogwarts Heir," The hat yelled and a collective gasp went up around the hall. "Hogwarts house,"

And the walls glistened for a brief moment and a seat appeared at the end of the staff table next to Snape. Zach stood, took the hat off, and placed it on the stool before heading to the seat beside his dad.

"I didn't know that would happen," Severus said and Zach nodded in agreement.

"Is Remus ok?" Zach asked as Dumbledore got up to make his welcome speech and Severus rolled his eyes.

"Your mate is fine," Severus said, smiling. "He was sleeping when I left," he said, and Zach nodded before turning to Dumbledore, who was in the middle of his speech.

"As you can see, Harry Potter is not here," Dumbledore says and hushed whispers went up around the room once more. "I regret to inform you that our savior is missing; we are searching for him with all our resources," Dumbledore said, and people started to shout, asking how they were supposed to win the war without their 'Savior'.

The feast ended, and Severus and Zacharias began to exit the room when Albus appeared. "Severus, I don't believe I had the pleasure of meeting your son," the old fool said as he got that grandfatherly twinkle in his eyes, and Zach held back the urge to growl at the man.

"Yes, well, my private life is none of your concern, Albus," Severus said as he walked around the man and exited through the teacher's door. They went down to the dungeons, and Severus said the password, and they entered.

"You know, as Hogwarts heir, you can have your own personal quarters wherever you wish in the castle. You don't have to stay in my quarters if you don't wish to," Severus said and Zach shook his head.

"No, I wish to stay close to you," He replied before heading to the room where Remus's scent was coming from.

He entered the room and found the older man sleeping on the bed. He changed out of his robes and climbed into bed, sitting on the headboard and bringing the man's head into his lap. The full moon was two nights ago, and Sirius had told him it usually took four to five days for Remus to get back to normal afterward.

Remus shuffled in his lap and Zach looked down to see the blue eyes staring up at him. "How are you feeling?" he asked, petting the man's hair.

"I'm fine," Remus replied, sitting up and kissing him on the cheek, "How was the ceremony?" he asked.

"I got sorted into Hogwarts house," He said, and Remus looked at him, shocked.

"Wow, I always heard about that house, No one was ever sorted into it because though there were heirs of Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, there were never any Hogwarts heirs," Remus said as his stomach grumbled.

"Have you not eaten?" Zach asked and the werewolf shook his head.

"No, I wasn't hungry, just sleepy," He said, watching as Zach climbed off the bed and headed toward the door. "Where are you going?" He asked, confused.

"You're hungry, I will make you something to eat," Zach said, exiting the room.


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Word count: 633

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 2  pm

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