3. Greed Consumes

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Planet: Nova Prime and Brimoria
Brim Level: High
Occupied by: Solar Dominion and Ascendant respectively

Alexander Nova: That's 27 Stellar Trade Scoutship gunned down today.

He's not lying. Free Trades' Guild are known for mining on an occupied planet. Alexander had to gun them down using his NovaInterceptor. Solar Dominion are known for controlling Brim mining operation, prioritizing profit and using ruthless tactics to collect as much as possible. It once tried to attack Brimoria, but failed because it was thwarted by the wit of Captain Sarah.

This business practices are also practiced between the companies, making the only faction where it's companies fought frequently (other factions had company war as well but not frequent and rarely happened).

Alexander landed his ship on Central District, a part of Nova Prime owned by NovaCorp. He entered Nova Tower, a tower with cyberpunk design and in yellow colour, to celebrate the official colour of the Dominion. The tower scrapes the sky. He sat on the throne.

Nova Tower

Novaworker: Sir!

The shout annoyed Alexander. He looked at the Novaworker with disgust.

Alexander: Any news about the other Solar Companies?

Novaworker: Dr. Helios Sunstrider and his army is marching towards the Central District!

Alexander: Those Helios Dynamics brats... They think their technology is strong enough to beat us. We're NovaCorp! Our army should neutralise them very soon.

Novaworker: T-there's a problem! They are attacking us from both side which means, a battalion will attack the Nova Tower from behind!

Alexander: And you did nothing?!

Novaworker: We don't have enough army. Beside, since the heavy rain on Nova Prime recently, we can't use Solar Power and had to divide the Brim we mined so it's fair for all equipments.

Alexander looked outside the Nova Tower window. The Nova Army is battling the Heli Army. A Helios SentinelDrone Sentinel managed to shoot down a NovaInterceptor Fighter. Two more HeliosDrone Sentinel came. The Nova are outnumbered. A NovaInterceptor Fighter sent a barrage of missiles to 3 HeliosDrone Sentinel and managed to knock 2 of them before going down due to technical problems.

Alexander clenched his fist. The ship requires a lot of Brim Dollars to make.

Alexander: Do we still have a lot of Brim left?

Novaworker: Sadly no sir. Our Brim supplies is running out for some, unknown reason. The Brim Detector we installed count kept counting down, even in non mining days.

Solar Dominion didn't need Brim to survive. But Brim is wanted across the Brim Galaxy so they took the opportunity to monopoly them. To add to the fact, Nova Prime is filled with Brims, making it a hotspot for Brim Trading. However, due to the heavy rain happening recently, they can't use Solar Power to power their ships and machines, resulting in Brim as the main power source.

Nova Army, equipped with Solar Saber, charged towards the Heli Army. Heli Army countered with Photon Blaster. The heavy armour on Nova Army blocked those shots. Meanwhile, on the back of Nova Tower, 5 NovaInterceptor Fighter flew and shot lasers towards the marching Heli Army. Many armies were killed on the spot. The survivors managed to shoot down 2 ships. A HeliosTech Dreadnought flew in and crashed on top of the Nova Tower.

Alexander: My tower! We must do something. About this and our Brim-

Suddenly his eyes opened wide.

Alexander Nova: The Cabinets prohibited us from meddling with work near any sector's border, right?

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