I Didn't Mean It (Gajevy One Shot)

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"You can't be serious." Pantherlily huffed out in frustration. He was sick of Gajeel's obliviousness. He thought that Levy did not deserve this type of treatment and wanted to put an end to it.

"Cut the crap and just tell me what you're talking about already." Gajeel crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at the cat. He wasn't saying things directly and it was pissing him off.

"Try thinking about it. Levy. You. She always tags along with us. She saved your ass back in Tartarus when she gave you her air. She joined the council with us. You really have nothing to say about any of this?"

"These are just facts you're listing, what's it supposed to mean to me?" Gajeel grumbled and thought about it for a second coming up with nothing.

"You are absolutely unbelievable."


"I really shouldn't be the one telling you this, she should be, but considering the fact that you can't comprehend any of the signs she has given I just can't let her be humiliated when she tells you herself."

"Go on...?" Gajeel raised an eyebrow questionably."

"Levy obviously has feelings for you Gajeel."

"I know."

"You know?! Then why the hell didn't you say something earlier."

"We're friends, of course she has feelings for me you dumbass."


"What kind then?"

"The kind that you have for someone you love, as in, more than friends."




"What is it? You have those feelings for her too don't you?"

"I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Pantherlily threw up his hands, baffled by Gajeel's blatant responses.

"I don't know means I don't know. Can we go back to training now?"

"You're impossible." Pantherlily sighed heavily. Gajeel turned away, but not fast enough for Pantherlily not to catch a glimpse of it. The slight redness of his cheeks was enough of an answer for Pantherlily. Pantherlily nodded and smiled to himself. He knew his partner's emotions more than Gajeel did himself. He just wondered how Gajeel was going to deal with this situation. "Poor Levy~Chan."

"Shut it."

"You just-"

"I said shut it!"


After the conversation he had with Pantherlily earlier, Gajeel began to consider his own feelings for Levy. He had never thought anything of them until the cat pointed them out.

"So pipsqueak likes me, huh?" He muttered to himself. He threw himself onto his couch in his apartment. He was currently alone because Pantherlily had stayed to train a bit longer.

"This doesn't make sense." Gajeel said, remembering his first impression on her. He had attacked her, Jet, and Droy then tied them up for all to see; yet she forgave him so easily? "I don't understand." He still felt bad about it even though they both decided to put it in the past. That was a very shitty first impression. But why should he care? Why does he care?

Gajeel thought about all of the times she had tagged along for training, the time in Tenroujima, the time in Tartarous, and the time they spent together in the council.

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