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Terese's pov—

I walked out into the living room and they both went silent. Lilith smiled and scooted over towards Jade and I sat down next to Lilith.

"Oh yeah, I have the spring soccer game tomorrow." Jade said looking at Lilith. "Oh my god I totally forgot about that!" She said. "You play soccer?" I asked. I kept my face blank, "yeah." She said. "Mh." I nodded slowly.

Fucking studs and their sport addictions. "Wait didn't you have practice today or something?" Lilith asked more concerned. "Yeah, I don't know I just wanted to hangout with y'all." She said flashing her eyes at me like she was watching me.

She said was watching me. She's always watching me, I'm watching her too. She can't just steal my girl. She is my girl.

Jade had went home after a few hours of talking. Lilith's mom got back from work with Jayson. Me and Lilith went up to her room for the night. I cuddled up next to her. "I miss this." I said. "Me too."

I was passing out, not fully asleep but almost. Lilith looked over confirming if I was asleep, or so she thought. She leaned over grabbing her phone of the nightstand, unlocking her phone her password was 123654 easy to remember. She went to her messages with Jade.

Jade 🫶
>hey you up?
<yeah wsp?
>I miss youuuu
<me too mama

Mama? Ok what the fuck.

>also, this isn't me giving in.
<mhm... sure.
<whatever you say mama
>anyways, I wish you luck tomorrow!
<thank you, I'm going to have to get up early so..
>oh yeah ofc, sweet dreams baby.


<you too, gn :)

She set her phone down and closed her eyes.

I remember I had gotten her number on the Ferris wheel.

Bitch 😒
>I know you and Lilith are together and I want you to know that I'm coming for your bitch.

And with that I hit send and out my phone down and went to sleep.

Jades pov—
My alarm blared through my ear drum, I slapped the stop button on the alarm and sat up. 8:30 in the morning, I got up grabbed the duffle bag and put all my stuff together. I got in the shower, brushed my teeth, put so deodorant on and laid down on my bed.

I opened my phone to messages and saw Terese texted me.

I opened it.
T 🤡
<I know you and Lilith are together and I want you to know that I'm coming for your bitch.

What kind of cringy ass shit is this. Who the fuck, does she think she is. Nah and this mf is coming to my game. Hell nah. I texted the number back.

>you wish.

And left it at that. I get up grabbing my things and headed out. I drove to the place we are practicing at before the game. I arrived and the coach gave me a look. I ignored it and headed to my group of friends on the team.

"Hey guys." I said, "where the hell have you been?" Paige said. "Yeah you've missed every practice?" Alaina said. "Sorry, I've been busy.." i tried to explain. Paige scoffed, "yeah busy with that girlfriend of yours." Paige punched my arm. "Oh shut up." I smiled shaking my head. Alana laughed.

"Jade!" The coach called me. I jogged over to him. "Now where have you been." He said sternly. "I was dealing with family business." I lied. "How come I don't believe you?" He said. "I'm sorry coach I promise this won't happen aga-" "better not." He said cutting me off. I nodded and jogged back to my friends.

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