You've ruined the color green for me

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By: Gray

Green was one of my favorite colors

calm and natural 

Of course you came along and ruined it

your favorite color was forest and olive green

I was your new obsession

your new favorite

until the wonder died

You came to me

I comforted you

Yet did I get any in return?


of course not.

You took

and took

and took

never gave

even the "love" you had for me

you only gave it sometimes

then nothing

for weeks on end

nothing but silence

You where never there for me for my depression 

yet I was there for you

You acted as if I was gross

I talked you out of taking your own life

I loved you

I don't think you loved me

not really

You've ruined the color green for me

whenever I see anything of it

forest or olive

I think "they'd like this"

 I almost buy it

then I have to remember you broke things off months ago

that I'm just some bitch that can't get over you

it still hurts

11 days short of a year

Then you're straight?

Then you stop liking me?

You've ruined the color green for me. 

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