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Azar watched as Draco paced back and forth in his bedroom. He had come in an hour ago and still hadn't told Azar what the matter was.

Standing from the bed, he made his way to Draco and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Dray, if you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help," he said, and Draco took a deep breath.

"The end of summer mate ball is in a week, and Viktor still hasn't asked me," Draco whined, and Azar raised a brow.

"Why don't you ask him?" He asked and Draco blushed.

"It"s tradition for the Dominant one to ask their desired mate to the ball. If we're equally dominant then it wouldn't be a problem," The blonde said, and Azar smirked.

"Always knew you were a bottom," He said, and Draco smacked him. "But, I think Viktor will ask you, so you don't have to worry about that. On the other hand, I have to ask Sephtis," He finished.

"I can help," Draco said, excitedly pulling Azar by the hand out of the room.

"Draco, I don't want it to be overdone," He said, knowing Draco had a tendency to overdo things.

"Trust me," he said, pulling him into a small living room. "Now, sit here and close your eyes." Draco was instructed, and Azar sighed but followed.

About 10 minutes later, Draco told him to open his eyes, and he gasped. The room was darkened, and lights danced above it in a pattern. A few candles were lit, and a few black flower petals were on the floor, where a little blanket was with a picnic basket.

"Wow, Dray this is amazing," Azar said, and Draco grinned.

"I told you to trust me; now call him here and ask him," the blonde said, heading towards the door. "I'm going to go out to the garden for a bit," he said.

"But it's raining," Azar said but didn't get a reply.

Shaking his head, he called Sephtis. When the other appeared Azar's eyes widened.

Sephtis was in his grim reaper form. He hovered inches above the ground and his black cloak moved on its own as if the wind was blowing it, even though there wasn't any in the room.

Reaching out, Azar gently took the skeleton fingers hanging out of the cloak's sleeve in his hand. He brought them up and smiled.

"Do you want to have a picnic with me?" He asked, motioning to the blanket, the cloak's hood turned to look at the blanket, there was a hissing sound before it started to ripple.

The bones in Azar's hand started to grow skin, and the cloak started to fade until Sephtis stood before him.

"Hi," Sephtis said, giving him a shy cautious smile.

"Hi," Azar replied with a chuckle before leading him to the blanket and sitting down.

They were silent as they enjoyed each other's company. Every now and then, Azar would kiss Sephtis's fingers or run a hand over his cheek while kissing his lips.

"I feel like you want something," Sephtis said after the twelfth kiss on his cheek.

"You're right, I do want something," Azar said, "I want you to go to the summer mate ball with me," He said.

"W-what?" Sephtis asked.

"I want you to go to the summer mate ball with me," Azar replied and Sephtis blinked.

"Are you sure?" he asked, and Azar moved from where he was sitting so that he was hovering over Sephtis.

"Do I seem unsure?" He asked, and the other shook his head. "So will you go with me?" He asked and Sephtis only nodded again.


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Word count: 580

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 12 pm

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