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              [ CHAPTER THREE ]
            [ NOVEMBER 14th 1997

              [ CHAPTER THREE ]             [ NOVEMBER 14th 1997           THE DAY CLOVER WENT                MISSING OR DIED ]        TW | MURDER AND BLOOD

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        " Give me some of that, don't be greedy." Juno plucked the joint out of Jude's fingers and brought it to her own lips.

" You still mad at me?" Jude questioned with a small smirk knowing she couldn't stay mad at him for to long. Juno pressed her lips together and silently nodded, not looking at the boy who threw his head back with a laugh.

" C'mon you seriously still mad at me? I'll make it up to you, I swear." Jude gently cupped Juno's face and pressed his lips onto her forehead before pulling back. He admired the way her nose scrunched and how long her lashes were.

" Stop looking at me like that." Juno mumbled trying to keep her smile from coming up but her dimples were easily giving her away.

" I knew my girl couldn't stay mad too long." Jude wiggled his eyebrows before turning his head to where Letty was calling for the girl he currently had in his arms. " Might want to go over there before she has another meltdown." He pressed his lips onto the top of her head before letting her go.

" Walk me home later?" Juno walked backward still looking at the boy who nodded with a smile that never failed to make her smile. Juno nodded at the boy before turning around to where Letty, Campbell, Havana and two other girls who she knew as Riley and Alana were.

" You remember the plan right?" Letty questioned with a smirk getting nods in response.

" We're just talking to her right?" Juno confirmed with slight hesitation but Letty just absentmindedly nodded seemingly not listening to a word that was being said.

" Don't pussy out on me now Juno. You heard what she said about you, you going to let her get away with that?"Letty tilted her head at her best friend.

" I'm not and of course not, she needs to be brought down a notch." Juno confidently nodded getting a wide smile from the blonde. The group stood around talking to one another while waiting for Clover to show up.


Clover followed the sound of music to where the party was seeing many of her peers and classmates standing around either high or drinking from red solo cups.

Clover watched Juno tap Letty while pointing at her with a smirk and a nod, Clover looked to her right when she heard Rafe's voice and saw him talking to Jude who give him one of those handshakes.

" Yo! Clover!" Letty waved the girl over with a smile anyone else but Clover could tell was fake. It seemed like everyone's attention went to her the minute they heard her name making her deflate before continuing toward.

" Hi, guys." She greeted with a timid smile. Campbell snickered looking directly at Clover who furrowed her brows softly before looking elsewhere.

" Nice bracelet." Letty complimented after a moment of silence within the group. Juno took another hit from her joint before passing it to Campbell who gladly took it from her.

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