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"Heeseung, there you are, do you have some time?" Jungwon came running, taking heavy breaths.

"Uhh, sure, is there any reason?" Heeseung spoke in a calm voice.

"Yeah, let's down first, shall we?" Jungwon said, sitting down on the bench which was right next to them, signalling the other to sit beside him.

Once they were both seated, they looked at the evening sky which now resembled the color of gold.

"I...think I know why you called me here" Heeseung said, keeping his eyes on the beautiful scenery in front of them.

"You do?" Jungwon looked at him, completely caught off-guard.

"Yes, but just doesn't feel right...Please don't get me wrong, I totally feel the same for you, but I don't think we can make it work, why don't you go for Jay instead? I know he likes you"
He admitted.

"No, please, just give me a chance. I know I sound desperate, but.... I wouldn't do this unless it was actually serious" Jungwon finished.

This was not good. Then, why did it feel so good?

This was gonna cost them a lot, or maybe, nothing at all.

Maybe the curse was just a myth?

"Okay" Both of them smiled, but just then, a pool of blood trickled out of Jungwon's nose. He tried to wipe it with a towel he had, his face confused.

No, I take that back. It's certainly not a myth.

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