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"I'm sorry but we need to go our separate ways for now," Zhehan stated, staring at the ground, avoiding Gong Jun's gaze. The thought of uttering such words was painful, but he didn't have any other choice.

"What are you saying, Hanhan?" Gong Jun questioned in disbelief, unable to fully comprehend Zhehan's confession.

"I am truly sorry, but we need to end this for now. My family... they've been pursuing me, and I'm afraid they might target you next," Zhehan tried to explain.

Refusing to accept Zhehan's revelation, Gong Jun shook his head emphatically. He grabbed Zhehan's hands with a firm grip, demonstrating his refusal to let him go.

"You know I won't take that lightly. Why is about your family? Can't you love me more?" Gong Jun pleaded anxiously.

Crushed like a shattered piece of glass, Zhehan withdrew his hands from Gong Jun's grasp. He diverted his gaze, avoiding the sight of Gong Jun breaking down in tears before him.

"It's over, we're not moving ahead. Please, let's end this." Zhehan asserted with a heavy heart.

Gong Jun felt as though his world had collapsed. The relationship he cherished so much had abruptly ended due to a single complicated reason.

"You're aware, right? How vital your voice and your song are to my existence. Your melody brings me solace. Is my story that unconvincing that you chose to get back on me? Zhehan, is this how futile our love has become because of a mere inheritance issue?" Gong Jun vented his frustration and pain.

Without waiting for a response, Gong Jun walked out the door. He paused to take one last glimpse at Zhehan, his gaze filled with yearning and sorrow, before he disappeared into the darkness.

Standing at his apartment window, Zhehan watched Gong Jun move further into the night. As the shadow of the man he loved continued to fade, he could feel the hot tears streaming down his face. Zhehan closed his eyes, taking a moment to soak in the pain and heartache.

The rain was pouring heavily, adding gloom to the night, dimmed by the paltry light from the street lamp. Zhehan felt hollow. His strength ebbed away, and he felt heartbroken for losing his love in a mere blink.

"Is it too much to ask for patience? Couldn't you just wait a little longer?" He whispered into the silence of his empty apartment, the words soaked with regret.

Too somber, too heavy. The cherished memories of their relationship became chaotic sketches of love that had vanished in an instant. The love they once shared was swept away like fragile beach sand.

Gong Jun started focusing on his career as an actor, losing himself in various roles to escape the pangs of heartache. Zhehan, on the other hand, followed in his father's footsteps, assuming the legacy of his family's corporation. They drifted apart, each holding on to the dying embers of a love that had burned brightly.

Their relationship, once profound and intense, was abruptly brought to a halt. The emotions they had harbored for each other remained unchanged over the years. In the space between longing glances and silent hopes, they yearned for the shared laughter and comfort of the yesteryears.

Time passed relentlessly, and the feelings they harbored for each other persisted, unaffected by the passing years. An accidental encounter in the forest park took them on a nostalgic journey, bringing back all the cherished memories of warmth and affection.

Under the canopy of lush trees and amidst the whispers of the wind, their eyes reflected unspoken promises. Promises of a forever that had slipped through their fingers, only to be reclaimed in that poignant moment. Even without words, they pledged to never be apart again.

"Can our love survive this time?" Gong Jun asked in a hushed tone.

Zhehan responded with a nod, a sense of peacefulness reflecting in his eyes. Gazing into Gong Jun's, he whispered in a gentle voice, "It will, and this time, my love for you will know no bounds."

They wrapped their arms around each other, cherishing the renewed bond, making a promise to be by each other's side. A sense of relief and happiness washed over them as they found solace in their shared warmth, knowing that this time, their love story would not be disrupted. This time, their tale would not be of love lost, but love found and cherished, standing the test of time, stronger, richer, and deeper than ever before.

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