Lies and Illusions

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Hello darlings!
I'm back believe it or not...
I'm at a loss on what to write here sooooo

Thankyou for reading and enjoy! <3

The new routine without Chandler was slowly settling in...

I would get to school and head to the bathroom, locking myself in the end stall and bend down, shove my fingers down my throat and rid myself of whatever I ate for breakfast. Sometimes I give myself permission to feel upset at my actions but most of the time I just stand back up and flush the evidence away.

After that I would head to my locker, keeping my head high, my back straight, my eyes focused. I couldn't risk letting anything fall out of line. I had basically been accepted as the new Chandler and I had adopted the color red. The scrunchie wasn't in my possession yet, assuming her parents wanted it as a keepsake or something shallow like that.

As far as I was concerned, Chandler and her parents had hated each other with a burning passion so the death of their daughter would be more of a blessing than a reason to mourn.

After I had gotten rid of my breakfast, I would meet up with Heather and Veronica and roam the school halls, sharing gossip and judgmental glances. Kurt and Ram would often join in, and today they had turned the school halls into my favorite playground.

I could hear her name being whispered in every corner—smirks from some and disgusted faces from others.


Those were just a few of the names being tossed around as I walked through the halls, grinning, Heather tucked close next to me, peering out at the people with a remorseful grimace. I heard the loud laughter quiet down from behind me, and that's when I turned to see the new hot topic, the new victim.

"What the hell, Heather?!" She asked, pushing past the people and walking straight up to me. The girl was taller than me, and I would have found that intimidating despite the fact that I had all reigns on everything. I found myself grinning—a proper smile. Not a small smirk, not the small curve of my lips into a telltale smile... A proper smile.

One that showed my teeth and head tilted up, my eyes met hers. Heather cowered closer behind me and looked away from Veronica, typical... Avoiding conflict any chance she got. Yet I knew damn well she played more than her part in spreading the rumors that had gotten so many people riled up.

"Look who showed up... We've been waiting for you, Veronica," I said, twirling my finger through my dark hair, narrowing my eyes at her and tilting my chin up.

"Damn right! First, you called me over to get yourself out of a date rape by offering me as some sort of sacrifice, leave me by myself, and then have the audacity to spread rumors?!"

I gasped, my hand clutching my chest in a dramatic display before laughing.

"Me? You think I did this?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow before tilting my head to the side. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly... I mean, after all, I wasn't even there to witness it. How would I be able to describe all the... Itty gritty details?"

Veronica just took a step back as her eyes widened, looking around at everybody laughing, snickering in the corners, and I crossed my arms, still smiling.

"Heyyy 'Ronica~" Kurt started as he turned to her before bursting into a rather unattractive bout of laughter before pumping fists with Ram next to him. The other students laughed, throwing their heads back and pointing fingers at Veronica.

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" "Yeah, the psycho in the trench coat." "Cheater."

My eyes gleamed as I curled my fists, biting down on my bottom lip as I noticed the black-clad figure standing in the corner, his eyes narrowed. Veronica pushed past me to get to him, quickly burying herself into his chest as he simply wrapped a single arm around her, his eyes not leaving mine.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat—his eyes... The same day I saw him in the hallway, his eyes seemed off... I tilted my head to try and get a better look, but before I could, he had moved Veronica aside and was rushing towards an oblivious Ram, vividly describing a drunkard kiss he had planted on Veronica.

"Hey, Asshole..."

The next was a blur; Heather had quickly dashed out the door, and Ram was currently looking up from where his nose had been bloodied and bruised. Kurt ran up behind and knocked the boy across the back of his head. J.D. fell to the floor where they continued their assault, swearing and cursing and kicking. Something about seeing him on the floor, blood staining his face felt wrong to me... So, so wrong.

Kurt and Ram, satisfied in the sight of Jason curled on the floor in pain, left, and I left too... But not before watching Veronica skid onto her knees in front of him, her hands hovering over him, unsure of how to react before gently pulling his head into her lap.

That's when my eyes met his again, a small smirk on his bloodied lip before vanishing as he looked at Veronica.

My shoulders tensed and my face paled. That smirk...

The next thing I knew, I was sitting back at the lunch table with Heather Chandler, her smirking at the lowlifes passing by. A cold feeling crawling up my spine made me jolt back to the present, and I turned around. She was right there... In all her ethereal glory. Just a red shadow, yet her eyes seemed so deep, that same cruel smirk twisted onto her face.

"Look at you... Tell me, after all these years, how does it feel to be powerful?"

"Heather?" I whispered, my voice trembling with disbelief. I reached out a trembling hand, just to touch her... As my hand brushed against her arm, the image wavered like a mirage, dissipating into the darkness. Panic surged through my veins as I stumbled forward, desperate to grasp onto the fleeting vision.

But as I drew closer, the figure morphed once again, this time into a spectral version of myself, and I froze. My own red face stared back at me with features distorted and twisted with malice. I recoiled, gasping for breath as bile rose in my throat as the figure flashed and disappeared, leaving me alone in the hallway. Veronica and J.D. were stumbling away in the other direction, and I fell onto my knees. I felt physically drained and tired.

I curled up against the wall and buried my face in my knees, that feeling of the cold hand on my spine making me shiver. Before I knew it, I had allowed a single tear to escape as it carefully made its way down my cheek, savoring every minute on my face before it fell off my chin... Then it was gone, and I stood up.

"You can't afford to cry..."
"You can't afford to be weak."

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