Chapter 6: Stranger danger.

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"Dear diary,

Today marks the five month anniversary ever since Cain took me under his wings. Oh, right, I guess I never did tell you how Cain actually looks like, have I? How about we change that.

Cain hails from the proud species of Decidueye, having flown all the way here from Melemele Island, which is somewhere to the west of Akala, which is the island that I happen to live just by!

Unlike all the Decidueye I have seen in different books and encyclopedias however, Cain has a different coloured plumage when compared to the usual green and brown.

His wide, elegant wings have a dark black shade to them, with the orange points that dotted the inside of a usual Decidueye, now taking on a deeper red colour. Surprisingly, I only found out recently that they're the tips of arrows that a Decidueye shoots out. How cool is that?!

Getting back on track however, all the green that all Decidueye have, is now teal in colour, which is like a blue mixed with green. I felt like I needed to clarify what it looked like, since you don't really see anything except for my words, do you?

Cain also has some burnt feathers on his back, but they're usually kept well hidden by his neutral stance. There's also a cool scar that runs along his blood vessels, because he once got struck by lightning!

I'm making it sound cool, and like it's a good thing... Which it isn't, of course! It only looks cool. The moment I try to imagine how bad it must have hurt... Yikes. It just makes me shudder.

He has a rather menacing look, but don't let that deceive you! He's a gentle giant at heart, you just need to give him a moment to adjust to your personality, and it's like he becomes the perfect friend!

Also, Cain likes to call me his son, even though I'm not. He also calls himself my father, which I also don't understand. My father is somewhere out there, being bullied I hope. He wasn't even there to watch me hatch!

Anyways, I don't call Cain my father, even if he wants me to. It just sounds wrong. Maybe when I grow up, I'll understand why he insisted so much on calling me his son.

He is a person that I just see as my teacher and mentor. He teaches me how to fight, trains with me, gives me books to read so I don't grow bored... And many more!"

A sudden voice called out to Riolu, causing him to drop the pen he was holding. He turned his head to Cain, who was standing at the entrance to their treehouse, tapping his talons against the wood impatiently.

"Right. Just a second, I need to finish this one thing." The Emanation Pokémon smiled and went in to grab his pen, only to find it not there. He looked around in confusion, before Decidueye sighed and helped him.

He walked over to the little Pokémon with the pen in his sharp talons, stretching them out to him and offering it back to him. "It rolled away. Here."

Riolu grabbed the pen gleefully and looked back at the piece of paper that Cain had given him, continuing to jot something down in a hurry. He didn't want to make his friend wait.

"I need to go now. I promise I will talk to you soon! And don't worry, when I'm back home, I'll tell you even more about me and Cain! Oh, also, since I told you Decidueye's name, it's only right I tell you mine!

My name is Krash, and I'm a brave Riolu! I heard that my kind evolves into Lucario from the friendship they gain with their partner, but since I don't have one, I'll have to rely on myself and Cain.

Okay, bye now! For real this time."

Riolu happily took the piece of paper in his paws, along with the pen and put them both next to a notebook full of paper and different notes sticking out the sides. He turned to look at Cain, who sighed and nodded with a smile.

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