Chapter 1, Part 1

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Stan wakes up in a room, it seemed to be like a classroom, except... There hadn't been any tables or chairs, just a black board and a teachers desk.

He was sitting on the floor, he had been passed out before this, why? He didn't know, all that he did was as soon as he opened the doors to his high school and stepped in, he passed out.

In the room he could see some people, it almost looked like a lot but when he counted it was only really 15 other students, including him was 16.

The other people in that classroom with him were, Kyle -who stood right by him-,  Tolkien and Clyde by the door. Butters, Kenny, Craig and Tweek in a small group at the wall ahead of him. Wendy and the girls, being Bebe, Nichole, Red, and Heidi. Pip and Damien in the back of the room, farthest from the door. And Cartman who stood in the middle of the room, a bit closer to me and kyle.

Stan had been squinting his eyes for a bit before speaking since he had adjusted to the lights, but when he did he spoke, asking Kyle, "What's going on?"

Kyle faces him and responds to him, leading a hand while doing so to help Stan up, Stan taking his hand and getting onto his feet. "Not too much really, I mean we've been trying to open the door for a few minutes now, but it hasn't budged. Hopefully it might now that your awake, though I doubt it."

They stand side to side, kyle crosses his arms and stands around watching as Clyde gives up on trying to open it. Tweek and Craig had seemed to move closer to the door, Tweek started to pull at his hair and freak out.

"What if we never leave?! Oh jesus!!" Craig takes his hat off and moves tweeks hand off of him, putting his hat onto Tweek. "Babe, I'm sure we'll get out of here, I doubt we'd be stuck here forever. Don't worry."

Cartman starts to move towards the door, rolling up his sleeves and pushes the two away, to get to the door, saying as he walks, "Move out the way gays!"

He runs to the door, but just bumps into it hard like a cartoon character when they run into walls, you know? "Good job, Cartman." Kyle comments, and Cartman shouts a "Shut up!" to him, it was slightly muffled from being squished into the door.

But what Cartman did might've done something because the door opened slowly, but I feel it was more of a coincidence.

"See, I told you we wouldn't be stuck here forever." Clyde peaked out of the door frame and Tolkien walked out. After that all of us followed, and Cartman unstuck off the of door.

"Hm.. I feel like this place seems a bit similar.." Tolkien comments. But when I think about it he's a bit right, it kind of made me think of out elementary school by its colours, I mean it was entirely the same but similar.

"Well, whatever. Should we go find the principals office?" Wendy asks us, and Kenny answers first.
"Might as well, we don't really know what to do anyway."

We all agree on it and start to walk, but we don't get so far at all before we hear an announcement on the speakers in the halls, telling us to head to the Gymnasium for a meeting.

"Oh I guess we should head there instead?" Butters prompts, some of us shrug or agree, some of us don't say anything. The Gymnasium was just a hall away from the room we came in, it was pretty close.

We walk to it, Wendy and Bebe in the front and the two push the double doors wide open for us all. Inside was a basketball court, with a stage, which felt looked slightly odd to me but it was whatever. It had been empty when we got in, I wonder if anyone else was going to come?

"Where's the principal?" Heidi asks, speaking low but not enough to be unheard. Nichole also speaks, "Maybe we came so quick that the principal is just walking here, I mean it would make sense."

"Oh yeah, it would." Heidi blushes slightly in embarrassment since it would make sense since it was probably the principal that would've made the announcement, and would've done it in the principals office, and not the gym.

"Let's just move away from the door since we're all kind of blocking it." Kyle says, moving out of the way at the same time. I followed him and everyone else moved out the way too.

we waited for a minute or two but no one even came through the doors, which was odd. "Is there no one here or something?" Red looks into the hall and comes back into the gym. "Maybe something happened to them!! Like, maybe someone broke in and-" "I don't think so, Honey." Craig puts his hand on Tweeks shoulder.

We hear a weird sound coming from the stage, then it opens up and a bear looking robot thing come out from it. It was coloured white and yellow and had a star for one of its eyes. "What is that!!" Tweek shouts, a bit too loud for my liking.

"I'm your principal!" The bear says, and hops down onto the ground. "Come, gather around!" The bear motions with its hand for us to come towards it.

"You're our principal?" Red questions, she looked at the bear doubtfully. "That's what it said, Red." Craig said to her.

"You all know this isn't a regular high school, righttt?" We nod and the bear jumps. "Great! I guess I should explain to you all how this will work!"

The bear drags out a white board from who knows where, and starts to write on it. It had words and drawings but I didn't bother to read it since it would be explaining what's up anyway.

"Firstly, I'd like to tell you allllll that you're stuckkkk hereeeee!~" The bear sang the words and spun around like as if that was a good thing.

"What!!! What do you mean we're stick in here!!!" "I mean that you cannot escape! And the only way really is to kill one another!" Wow that bear really got straight to the point, huh.

"Andddd, it's going to be like murder mystery if you think about it, isn't that just so fun?" "Well, I'm not quite sure if we lot will find this amusing... As much as you do. Isn't that some other way we can escape? Like perhaps an escape room! Or maybe-" Pip gets cut off by the bear.

"No can do! Now, I shall explain the rules and such!"

. . .

wait for the next part 😈

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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