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             NOVEMBER 17th 1997]

                [ CHAPTER FIVE ]                [ PRESENT TIMING              NOVEMBER 17th 1997]

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              It was now nighttime in Burke, Indiana, Maverick Hollis was currently stopped in front of Rafe Carmine's house

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              It was now nighttime in Burke, Indiana, Maverick Hollis was currently stopped in front of Rafe Carmine's house. Maverick observed the small house that definitely didn't look the cleanest.

Maverick could hear muffled sounds coming from in the house and as he stepped closer the noise only got louder. He flashed his flashlight around the outside before making his way up the porch and knocking loudly on the door.

" Burke police, open up." He pounded on the door and only noticed he was heard when the lights turned on and the door opened revealing Rafe who stood confused.

" Rafe Carmine. Nice smell, who are you talking to in there?" Maverick peered over Rafe's head but couldn't see anything to his disappointment.

" Nobody." Rafe noticed his staring and pulled the door closer to him so you could only see him and nothing inside.

" Heard you talking, wanna ask whoever it is to come out and speak?" Maverick questioned with a lazy smirk and a cocky tilt to his head.

" No offense sir, but Snakes can't really walk so—sorry." Rafe shrugged but his smirk was evident and he clearly didn't bother hiding it. He opened the door more to show the snake that was slithering around the floor.

" I don't give a fuck about that right now Carmine. Do you know where Clover Bella is?" Maverick watched the boy's face closely but Rafe's facial expression didn't change once.

" No." Rafe denied the man's question.

" She called you on Friday didn't she? She your girlfriend? You guys messing around?" Maverick simplified with a sigh.

" No, she's not my type. I think she called me as a dare or something." Rafe threw his hands up with a laugh. " Can I go back inside now? it's cold out here." He added.

" No unless you tell me more about clover." Maverick demanded making the boy groan.

" Why are you asking me about this? Everybody else saw." Rafe said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

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