Who am I?

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In the end not everything turns out as it seems,
You may have planned one thing and something completely different comes out,
Just relax and do what you need to do, whether it's working or writing poems,
That's how you can know that you haven't done anything wrong, know that there are no "but" and put your name on it.

But I don't feel that way,
I feel like I'm losing who I am,
For a woman, for money, for whatever say,
Who am I?.

When I feel like I'm going to explode from holding on,
Why do I become who I am not?
Because I destroyed my face, my mask, what am I saying?
Where is the plot in my life?

Do I live to chase her?
Or is it just my animal instinct?
Does a drunk live for a beer?
And what project of a man was not created by a woman?

Who are you if you can't fight,
My demons defeated me...
Why I never thought about this?
Why didn't I think about it before I lost my "me"?

Why am I looking for money?
For her?
And what is she looking for?

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now