Taylor Swift - Get you back?

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- Taylor Swift, GxG  -

DISCLAIMER: I am not a gaylor! This is just a little imagine I wanted to write based on the song. Stop speculating about people's sexualities. It's disgusting. And if you are a gaylor get tf off my page. You aren't welcome here 

944 words


Let's just say you and Taylor had been having a lot or troubles in your relationship. Between Taylor's busy work schedule, and you and your paintings. It felt like whenever you two were together it would end up in arguments. Taylor had to be gone a lot, for recording and for her Taylor would get her friends to check on you when she was gone. You just couldn't leave your art, sometimes becoming dangerous for your health. You wouldn't eat or sleep until you absolutely had to. 

Taylor had to go on a work trip for a few days. Interviews and studio sessions with Aaron. She was only four hours away. "Promise me you won't get too lost in your art while I'm gone?" Reluctantly you had agreed. You were already mad enough that Taylor was going to be gone after just getting home a few days prior, but you promised. You hadn't had much inspiration anyways, being so far from your muse. But somehow, only a few hours after she had left home, you found yourself back in the studio. 

It'd been a day. Then it was 27 hours. And then it was to the point Taylor couldn't take it anymore. You weren't answering your phone for anyone. She had called you at least 50 times. It came point she had to decide if she should continue on and get someone to find you. But she didn't want to put that burden on her friends. So Taylor ends up in the car driving back, calling Vanity to tell them she can't make it to the interview because of "a family emergency." She just hopes no one there leaks that to the press. 

She had found you covered head to toe in paint, asleep on the floor. This had happened one time too many times for Taylor. She shakes you awake. "Y/N? What are you doing on the floor? We're going home." You open your eyes to her lilac skirt, the one you always loved. A little confused on why she was already home. Had you been in the studio for four days straight? You hadn't even finished your painting yet. It was baroque style angels. You and Taylor had been talking about them before your fight the other day. 

"Taylor?" You rub your eyes, instantly regretting it as there was blue paint all over your hands. 

"Get up." 

Taylor was driving you home in her new Aston Martin. You were sure she would be complaining about the paint you were getting on the seat. But she hadn't yet. It remains dead silent in the car, until Taylor lets out a loud sigh and starts yelling. 

"God Y/N! Why can't you be a responsible adult? Just cause I'm gone for a few days doesn't mean you fucking lock yourself up with your paints!" She starts going on in the car, like a disappointed parent. "I had to drive back 4 hours just to come find you! I cancelled an interview for this. Do you know how important it was?" 

"I know Taylor..." You say quietly. 

"I respect your art! And honey it's absolutely amazing. But why do you have to almost kill yourself every single time? And give me a heart attack? You promised Y/N! You do this every time." 

"As if you aren't the same! You're writing songs in your mind all day long. I can barely get your attention sometimes!" You knew it wasn't the same, but it was close enough. Taylor starts driving faster, her foot on the pedal pressing down from her anger. 

"I'm working late, cause I'm a singer, but do you find me passed out on my guitar every night?" 

"I'm not passed out every night." You interrupt. 

"I'm not done yet." Taylor says, about to start lecturing you again. It was like this all the time. 

"And I wasn't done with my painting!" You snap back. It was always this way with you two recently. "But you know what I am done with? You." You don't say it in a breaking up way, more of a fed up with Taylor picking fights all the time way. But that's not how she heard it. 

"You know I can tell when someone still wants me, right? We're not breaking up." Taylor says before slamming the breaks at a red light. You reflexes kick in and your arm shoots out in front of her, as if that'll protect her much. "See." Taylor looks over at you, still mad, but at least you proved her point. 

"Did you do that on purpose?" You roll your eyes. Before she can respond or react though, you decide you don't care. Knowing Taylor, she probably had done it on purpose. "Whatever. I never said we were breaking up." 

"That's what you meant."

"No I didn't." You two go back and forth for a second. "I don't care. I'm coming home with you, even if I have to handcuff myself to you."

 Taylor just goes quiet. She had pulled into her garage. You knew her all too well to think that you actually stopped her in her tracks. "What are you thinking?" It was always a question with her. She was always up to something. Her brain was just constantly going on and on and on. At first it was pure fun, and then it became obsessive. But it was something you loved about her. 

"Whether I'm gonna curse you out, or take you back to my house." She says while fidgeting with her hair. "It's poison either way." You just give her a look. You two had always been very 'make up and make out' when you got in fights. 

She gets out of the car, opening your door. Like an 'ok' that she doesn't need to crash on someone's couch tonight. When you get into the house Taylor starts to walk into her room, without saying a word. You assume you should just go shower. But Taylor had other thoughts.

"Come here" Taylor grabs your wrists and pulls you to her, falling into the closet. Her hands and lips all over you... 

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