chapter 1: arrival

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March 1st 2016, it was the day you came to this country. You told me it was the best day of your life.. but is it really? Or did you just tell me what i wanted to hear....?

March 1st 2016 date of the arrival of theo.
"The plane will land soon" the pilot said through the speaker as Theo sighed and tried to wake his uncle and brother up "hey, wake up you two." He let out an annoyed sigh as he kept shaking them to no avail "WAKE THE FU-" Theo shouted as they finally awoke. After a few minutes the plane finally lands and the trio has got out "FU- IT'S SO COLD!!" Theo shouted which made his uncle laugh "of course it's cold.. it's 4 degrees for fucks sake" he continued laughing as Theo's brother just went with it.. after a few tiring ours they finally got out of the immigration phase and headed to find Theo's mom and sister.. which they found pretty easily.. after a few walks they finally reached Theo's step-dad's car and went inside it. "IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SHOYA-SAN!!" Theo greeted his step-dad with his step-dad greeting back "it's been a long time huh? Theo!" They both had a great talk even if Theo only knew a little nihongo, till they arrived home. Theo went inside and sat down on the sofa, and scrolled on his phone, then he heard his sister yell "KUYA THEO! Come here!" He clicked his tongue and approached to where his younger sister was "look, it's the robot thingy that mama bought for you" she pointed at the rx-78-2 revive ver that was carefully placed, as theo tried to approach it his mom pulled him by his shirt, "tomorrow." She said in the most serious tone and face ever, theo had no choice but to nod and leave the room.

Few hours pass by
"You guys will be sleeping here" theo's mom pointed at the room that was beside their's, theo headed inside and was mesmerized by the sight of the beautiful lay out but when he turned his eyes to the bed he saw... A futon... "A futon? Mama why?" He looked at his mom who clicked her tongue "why theo? Do you have a problem? Do you want me to beat the crap out of you?" Theo just gulped and looked away "no no mom! I think it's very comfortable to sleep in a futon!!" Theo hurried to the futon and laid on it "wow!! It's so soft and comfortable!!!" He laughed nervously and just tried to sleep.

A/N: I'm gonna end the chapter here but yea, hope you like this chapter 1 even tho it's 400+ words short.. so yea!

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