chapter 2: first day

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April 3rd 2016, it was our first day of school.. also the day i met you for the first time, and the day i first laid my eyes at you..

April 3rd 2016 the first day of school
*Ring! Ring!* The alarm went off which woke timothy up. He got up from the futon and got ready for the first day after a while everyone else got up and got ready.

8:00 am at school

"Bye mom! Bye shoya-san" theo waved at them goodbye and headed inside the school. He removed his shoe and replaced it with the one for indoors, after he headed to his classroom class 2 3 he was greeted by the teacher and his classmates who were excited to meet him for the first time

"Damn he looks so cool!!"

The class had an enthusiastic vibe to it which he liked.. though he knew he would have a hard time because he's still not fluent at the language.. especially the lettering... "I am watanabe theo, I'm 13. Nice to meet you!" He bowed and headed to his seat. "Hello, theo-san!" The girl infront of him turned to him.. he looked kinda boyish, which made him comfortable with her pretty easily. "Oh wait, my name is himari! Nice to meet you!" She introduced herself to him and shook hands. He turned to observe the class and saw that a girl was looking at him.. he thought to himself ' she looks kinda cute.. '

8:30 am <hachi pov>

"Good morning everyone! I'm osaki sensei, and i will be your advisory and english teacher. So theo, just approach me when u have a question okay?" Our teacher introduced himself, i looked at him who was just listening to what our teacher said, it honestly feels like my ear didn't hear anything at all at that moment.. all i could hear was him.. his raspy and deep voice which fits his vibe.

12:00 pm lunch break

Sachiko and one of her friends headed inside theo's classroom and approached him "Hi theo! It's nice to meet you, I'm sachiko!" Sachiko said in english which made him surprised , "Nice to meet you, sachiko!" He greeted sachiko as she asked "what food do you like?" Theo just said what came to his mind "karage (chicken)" sachiko then suddenly said "oh! Hachi-chan also likes chicken" she pointed at the girl he saw earlier who was looking at him ' so hachi is her name huh..' "oh, that's a nice fact to know!" Theo exclaimed "i think that you, and hachi-chan will be boyfriend and girlfriend" sachiko suggested which shocked Theo, so in response he just nodded his head and shook sachiko's hand and sat in his chair. ' that was an interesting interaction... '

2:30 end of first day <yui pov>

Before we left sachiko suddenly barged into our room, and headed to where theo was, so i followed behind her. "Oh by the way, theo, do you have an Instagram?" Sachiko asked theo whilst theo just nodded in response, then she turned to me and asked to borrow a pen, then proceeded to write her instagram account on his notebook...

'i kinda wanna put my Instagram on his notebook as well.. but i think i might just waste his time if i did.'

sachiko gave back my pen and after a while we all left..

3:16 pm at theo's house

While theo was laying down on the futon, he suddenly heard his mom, yelling again.. angrily..

' they're really fighting again.. ugh '

Theo just turned up his volume, and wore his headset trying to ignore the fighting..

A/N: a lot longer second chapter, i think i most likely would prioritize this story more. Since like it's kinda.. more easy to come up with something considering i am a transfer student from an another country to japan.. so yea! That's all thanks for reading [if someone will actually read this..]

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