The creek

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"I have been secretly following Taryn to the creek every day since last year. As I peer around the tree that I'm hiding behind, I can see him skipping rocks while his '90s rock playlist is seeping into my ears. Suddenly, I hear his footsteps coming closer and the branches under me start collapsing. I land directly in front of him, startling him. "Hey, Sam right? How long have you been up there? Are you okay?" Before I could even think of a response, he was already pulling me up and asking, "Do you like coming here too?" I replied, "Uhm, yeah, I'm sorry. I think I hit my head." he laughed  " I think you hit your whole body." I started laughing too, his beautiful curly hair caught my eye then a slight bit of red under his eyes. "Hey, were you crying?"  he wiped his face "Uhm yeah it's just been a long day is all." I wanted to know everything, I wanted to steal his pain, and I wanted to hurt anyone who hurt him. he pulled out a joint  "Wanna smoke?" "uhm yeah." I haven't smoked before but he wants to hang out with me  I have been waiting for this for a long time. we find a big rock to sit on but I'm too nervous to sit. he takes a hit and when he blows out the smoke he tilts his head back his gorgeous jawline catching my attention he goes to hit it again and I ask him if I can shotgun his hit cause I haven't smoked before, though my intentions might not have been that innocent. he agreed so when he tilted his head back to blow out smoke I held his face as I breathed it in. he sighed and I don't know what took over my body but I kissed him and he leaned in he wrapped his arms around my waist I could feel my pulse speeding up and my face getting warm.  I backed up nervously and said, "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." "It's okay let's head to my place." he reached out his hand I quickly accepted and we were on our way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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