¿What if Iron Man was in Zack Snyder's Justice League?

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To: Robert Downey Jr., Zack Snyder, Kevin Feige, James Gunn, Peter Safran, Marvel Studios and DC Studios Intro
¿What if events went differently in Zack Snyder's Justice League? ¿What if Iron Man was in the Snyder Cut? In today's fan fiction we're going to be exploring what would have happened if Tony Stark alias Iron Man was a part of the Justice League in the DCEU? ¿How can this affect the future of the multiverse going forward? This is an original what if created by me following the mythology of Iron Man and the Justice League and the timeline of the MCU and DCEU respectively. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.

The events of the Snyder Cut were playing out the same as in your universe. Tony Stark was with Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts in a lavish conference room at Stark Industries. They were going over some logistics paperwork involving Stark Industries but Tony was almost convincing Potts to accept a contract from the US government to produce advanced weapons when the phone on the table buzzed and someone from the switchboard announced a call for Tony Stark from Bruce Wayne. Tony groaned and hit the button to end the call. He was about to resume his pitch when the phone buzzed again as he hit the power button and shut down the phone. Happy asked Tony why he didn't just want to take the call and he said that Bruce Wayne was the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and he didn't want anything to do with his closest rival. Despite Bruce's efforts to hide it from the public he knew that the man was Batman as Happy was excited and said that he deeply admired the Caped Crusader. Tony instantly shot him a look that made him sober up and he went silent. Pepper Potts smiled and told Happy that it was Tony's ego talking. Tony didn't bother to answer and went on with this pitch of how the company needed the federal money. Then, Tony asked Potts what she thought of the contract and she replied that Tony should probably take Wayne's call. Tony signed an exhaustion and collapsed back into his chair. Potts pressed on him saying that it was about Stark Industries as he would've called her so it was probably something else if he was calling but Tony Tony snorted and Tony asked her to be serious about the government contract. She then replied that she would look into it as Tony with pride in his voice said "Thank you". Tony entered his office and undid his tie. He was looking forward to pouring himself a drink and checking out the progress his AI was making on his Iron Man suit. Then the lights in his expensive office began to come on and off and the human being sat and a sofa came into focus. Tony began to ask Bruce Wayne how he had managed to fool the temperature sensitive lights but he thought better of it as he instead asked him what he wanted and Bruce got up and told him about the team of superheroes he was putting together. Bruce told Tony that in the aftermath of Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday they needed a team that would be able to handle threats together as Tony poured himself a drink without saying a word and took a sip. He then asked Bruce ¿why he assumed he would want to join him in fighting some hypothetical threats? Bruce said that he and Superman had barely defeated Doomsday and if a similar threat were to come up again he wouldn't be able to handle it all on his own. Tony set down the glass on his desk and asked Bruce ¿why he thought he would want to join the team? Bruce signed and told Tony that Iron Man's powers could be used to extinguish greater threats and not just local criminals. Tony asked the other people that would be in the team as Bruce told him that the team consisted of Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman. Tony rubbed his temple and told Bruce that he wasn't interested in the proposal. Bruce opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it as Tony wasn't worth the effort since he instead got up and left the room. Outside with a series of controls on his phone he summoned the Flying Fox to the grounds as the flood lights of the gigantic aircraft lit up on the grounds and the roar of its powerful engines shook Stark Industries building. Before entering the craft Bruce looked at the building and saw Tony at the window. He smiled to himself and went away in the plane. Bruce was met by Alfred Pennyworth and Diana Prince alias Wonder Woman. Bruce was surprised to see Diana and she looked agitated while Alfred looked to pilot the plane. Diana pulled Bruce aside and said that she needed to talk to him. She told him that her mother had sent her a message as she said that many years ago a god named Darkseid came to conquer Earth with his legions of Parademons and 3 Mother Boxes. A combined force of Amazons, Atlanteans and a Green Lantern foiled the attack and the Mother Boxes were left behind during the hasty retreat of the invaders. The 3 Mother Boxes were left in the care of the Amazons, Atlanteans and Men. They were to be guarded in unknown locations to prevent Darkseid from returning to retrieve them but apparently Thymiscira the land of the Amazons was attacked by someone and she suspected it to be Darkseid's general Steppenwolf and the Mother Box was taken despite the defense put up by the Amazons. Bruce asked her what a Mother Box can do as Diana replied by saying that a single Mother Box can't do much but Darkseid's goal was to put all 3 boxes together to form a unity which would terraform Earth to be like Darkseid's planet Apokolips. Bruce asked if she happened to know where the other boxes are as she said that the Atlanteans would have one but the box entrusted to the care of men was lost long ago while Diana in turn asked how the team was coming along since Bruce exhaled tiredly and said that Tony Stark was quite close to calling security to throw him out. Tony let out a gut as Diana said that she wasn't surprised but she then said that she'll go and talk to him. The next day came and Tony wanted to go to the office. He was feeling quite ready to go to work outside as sitting on the hood of his expensive sports car was a beautiful woman while she was wearing a dress and smiled invitingly at him. He smiled and confidently walked up to her. When he was close enough she stretched out her arm for a handshake as Tony was a bit taken aback by this action but he shook her hand while she introduced herself as Diana Prince since Tony smiled and asked ¿what he owed the pleasure? Diana replied that she was there about the proposition put to him by Bruce Wayne as Tony's face creased into a frown. "I should've known you were Wonder Woman" he said. "Yes" she said. She then walked away from her and he opened his car but her next words stopped him. She said that her home was attacked as he looked at her with confusion on his face but she then told him about Darkseid and his ancient quest to conquer Earth. She also mentioned the stolen Mother Box as she then concluded by telling him to join the team to stop Steppenwolf while she told him that he wouldn't be able to live without himself if Steppenwolf won but after a moment of contemplating he asked where he would be meeting and she said Gotham City. He rolled his eyes. "They had to pick the depressing city" he said. He opened his car door and said that he would see her in Jersey. Tony walked into the old Wayne Manor building as he was met by Alfred who welcomed him to the house but the house was dark and depressing. If it was his Tony would have done a massive renovation to bring the house to the 21st century as Alfred led him to a large hall where the tables were used to hold different kinds of gadgets but this was where Bruce produced his Batman devices while he saw Bruce sitting in the chair with Diana Prince and both of them were pouring over what looked like to be ancient scrolls. They looked up when they heard him approaching as Tony spread out his arms "Here I am" he said. Bruce shook his hand and Diana smiled and thanked him for showing up. Tony made a show of looking around the room and then asked Bruce ¿where the rest of his team were? Bruce said that they were still getting people together and he was in fact about to go and get another person. He asked if Tony wanted to tag along but Tony really didn't want to hang out with Bruce and he looked at Diana for her opinion. She winked at him in response as he signed and he said "Yes". Bruce stood up and led him to the massive hanger which housed the Flying Fox. Tony gulped at the sheer size of the aircraft but after recovering from his initial wonder of the massive plane he asked ¿why they were using it instead of driving? Bruce looked at him and said that they very well couldn't drive in Ohio. Tony asked why they were going to Ohio and Bruce replied that that was where Barry Allen had lived. Tony started to talk but Bruce cut him off saying that he shouldn't complain because Bruce had to travel all the way back to New York to get him but he still got rejected as at that Tony kept quiet while Alfred laughed to himself. Barry Allen ran with amazing speed and reached his loft. He had just stopped a robbery at a store and he was feeling pretty good about himself. His flat was surrounded by lead monitors displaying a wide variety of information including diagnostics from his suit from the lights of the monitors as he could make out 2 people sitting on his chairs in the room in alarm but he quickly turned on the lights before he could say anything while one of them got up and extended his hand to introduce himself as Bruce Wayne. In awe Barry expressed his surprise at seeing the CEO of Wayne Enterprises in his flat as Tony stood up and introduced himself but before Barry could process the news of the legendary Tony Stark visiting him Tony handed him a photograph. It was from a security camera footage of Barry confronting a mugger as Tony stepped closer to Barry and called him a tough guy. Barry stepped back and unsuccessfully tried to deny that he was the person in the photograph. He said that although the person in the photograph looked like him it wasn't him as Tony wanted to intimidate Barry to talk but Bruce put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him. Bruce then said to the kid that he shouldn't deny as he said that he knew that Barry had superhuman powers but he just needed to know the exact kind of power it was while Barry backed away from them smiling and saying that he had got the wrong person and that he wasn't a superhero. Bruce Wayne pushed his lips and looked at the monitor displaying Flash's suit and the diagnostic data. Barry followed his eyes and said that it was nothing and that he was just doing some school project. Bruce nodded. "Yeah right" he said. The next event that transpired took place within a second and Tony was surprised that his mind had even registered all of it. Bruce had suddenly thrown one of his batarangs at Barry and Barry dodged it and caught it. Barry examined the batarang and looked at Bruce and realized that Bruce is Batman. Bruce in turn remarked that Barry had super speed as Barry nodded his head in agreement while Tony then told Barry that he was Iron Man and Barry began to talk but Tony cut him off and told him about the threat of Darkseid and Steppenwolf. He told Barry that Bruce was putting together a team of superheroes to take on the invaders as he asked if Barry would like to join the team but Barry then enthusiastically answered that he would love to join while Tony looked at the monitor showing the suit's diagnostic data and asked if Barry had already made the suit. Barry shook his head saying that he hadn't done it as Tony went over to the computer and downloaded the data. When he was done he and Bruce left the lot with Barry outside. The 3 men climbed into Bruce's car but just before they were about to leave Barry said "¿What are your superpowers again" "I'm rich" they both answered. On board the Flying Fox Bruce Wayne announced that they were going to Iceland to recruit Arthur Curry alias Aquaman to join his new team as he followed his announcement by showing them a video of Arthur that he pulled from the NSA files while in the video Arthur had damaged the underwater filming equipment that had filmed since Alfred queued in saying that Bruce had to be careful with Arthur because the man looked quite temperamental and wouldn't join the team easily. Barry then asked what the name of the team is and all the men fell quiet. He asked Wayne if he had even thought about it but Wayne shook his head in the negative as Stark then said he assumed Barry had a name in mind while Barry then smiled. "Justice League" he said. On hearing that Wayne shared a quick look with Stark and told Barry that the name was cool and that they'll adopt it in Iceland. Wayne went with Stark into the little village leaving Alfred and Barry on the Flying Fox. They scouted the village and found out that Arthur always showed up with fish to feed. The hungry Wayne went to the village council and asked for permission to see Arthur guessing that Arthur was still around somewhere. After some intense debate with the council members Wayne and Stark had begun to relent in finding Arthur through the council. Then, Arthur revealed himself right there in the city hall and told the duo to follow him to somewhere more private. They found an empty room and there Arthur asked them ¿what they needed from him? Wayne launched into a speech detailing the threat of Steppenwolf and his mission to capture the Mother Boxes one of which was in the custody of the Atlanteans. He then finished with a plea to Arthur to join the newly formed Justice League of which he was the leader as Wayne proceeded to tell Arthur that he was the Batman and that Stark was Iron Man. They also said that they had another team member with a speedster who could move really fast and Wonder Woman. Arthur said that while all that was pretty impressive he wasn't interested in fighting any war with a hypothetical alien intruder as Stark tried reasoning with him saying that he shouldn't stay on the fence regarding the issue but Arthur then said that they should leave since Stark pressed on and Arthur picked him up and pinned him on the wall in a bed to intimidate Stark to drop the issue. When Arthur finally dropped Stark he walked out to the beach while the other men followed by the waves as Arthur told them that he wasn't interested in fighting and risking his life for a group of strangers. He then remarked that the strong man is stronger alone saying that he jumped and disappeared into the sea. Wayne looked at Stark and signed tiredly. He said that there goes another one back at Gotham City as Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne tracked down Victor Stone alias Cyborg to a grocery store where he had heavily disguised himself with a hoodie. It wasn't quite hard to track him as all they had to do was follow his electrical signature but Victor Stone was unnerved because these 2 men knew his name since nobody in the general public was supposed to know that Victor was still alive since there was a tombstone eradicated to keep up appearances but these men were here and wanted to talk to him. Wayne and Stark followed Stone to his apartment and there they gave him the full brief of what was going on. They ended with a plea for him to join the Justice League to help them take down Steppenwolf but Cyborg had spent some years of avoiding people and these men had found him. The whole situation unnerved him and he asked them to leave. He threatened them with his advanced missile systems to get them to leave and that worked. On returning to Wayne Manor Stark and Wayne were surprised to see Arthur Curry. There, Diana Prince had a concerned look on her face but after the men shook hands Diana said that there was a new development as Arthur told them that Atlanteans were being kidnapped and his half brother King Orm was blaming it on the surface world and could use that as a next pretext for attacking the surface. Because of that Arthur had to investigate the situation on his own following the information provided by Wayne and Stark. He knew that Steppenwolf was on the move so he went to the Atlantean stronghold that held the Mother Box but there he basically walked in on Steppenwolf and his legion of Parademons mounting a coordinated attack. His friend princess Mera was almost killed in the process as he joined the fight but he failed to stop Steppenwolf from making away with the Atlantean Mother Box. Stark sat in a chair and rubbed his temples. Things weren't going well at all as he said that Steppenwolf may have 2 boxes but his plan won't work without all 3 since they needed to secure the 3rd box before he did. Suddenly, the phone call rang and Alfred's voice laughed from the device. He announced that GCPD Commissioner James Gordon was on the line and holding for him. Bruce signed and put the phone on speaker. James Gordon told him that in a facility under Gotham Harbor an army of suspected aliens were holding several employees of Star Labs hostage as Bruce told Gordon that he was on top of the issue but after hanging up he looked at the group and asked them to gear up for they would confront Steppenwolf. As the group disappeared Tony pulled Barry Allen away and led him to a large box and blazed on it were the logo and name of Stark Industries. Tony opened the box to reveal the Flash's suit for Barry as Barry was excited and picked up the suit. Tony said that he made some adjustments to the suit from what Barry had originally done but it was still fine as Barry thanked Tony for the brand new suit. The Justice League met Steppenwolf interrogating the employees and among the hostages was Victor Stone's father but while the initial verbal confrontation was going on Victor showed up at the scene. He whispered to Stark that he had hacked into Wayne's network and had listened in on the call. Tony Stark fully clad in his Iron Man suit smiled at Victor but the smile couldn't be seen as then the chaos started since when Steppenwolf set his Parademons on the Justice League Wonder Woman was throwing punches and knocking out the alien creatures. Aquaman was hitting and stabbing the Parademons with his trident while Cyborg was zapping them with his plasma cannons and Batman and Iron Man were simultaneously battling the Parademons and Steppenwolf. The entire dynamic of the battle was changed when cyborg decided to go a little extra and he fired a missile from his rocket launcher at Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf caught the missile and hurled it at the wall where it exploded. The bad news was that it unleashed the waters of Gotham Harbor on them as Aquaman then proceeded to hold off the waters while the other heroes tried to evacuate the hostages out of harm's way but when the waters started flowing Steppenwolf and his Parademons fled the scene. At Wayne Manor the hero sat down to regroup and discuss what they had seen. Bruce said that he was happy that Victor had decided to join them as Victor told them that he had the 3rd Mother Box but Bruce asked where it was and Victor replied that it was in his apartment. Victor went with Barry and they both became friends. They bonded over talking about tech but after retrieving the box Arthur asked ¿why Steppenwolf wanted the box so much? Victor then told them how his father had used the box to restore his lost limbs as he said that the box is a change machine that enforces the will of its masters to utterly destroy or restore something that is to life but while the rest of the group were giving their takes on what todo with the box Tony Stark's mind was thinking of something else since after a moment of contemplating he bled it out and while the rest thought the idea was absurd Bruce Wayne surprisingly supported it. He proceeded to tell the group that they could benefit from using the box to resurrect Superman as Superman was stronger than all of them combined and they could really use his help right now. Cyborg told them that the box may not restore Superman to what he was but after all he himself was fixed wrongly by the box as Stark queued in saying that even if Superman would be changed his powers would be far more advanced this time and they could use the help. With that the group agreed to resurrect Superman but admist the protests by Diana Victor exhumed Superman's body and placed it in the antibiotic fluid of a genesis chamber at Star Labs. Then, Barry activated the box and Superman was resurrected. When he woke up Superman flew to his memorial site and the group on board the Flying Fox tracked him down to the place. There, they surrounded Clark Kent who was trying to remember who they were but suddenly, Cyborg's automatic missile defense system deemed Kent as a worthy enemy and activated itself but had missed in a failed attempt by Stone to control it. The missile sailed past and exploded into the memorial stone behind Clark Kent who had dodged it. Stark immediately suited up and the others followed suit. None of that mattered though because Kent defeated them cleanly but during the altercation Superman recalled some of his memories where Batman had beaten him within the inch of his life as he almost returned the favor and killed Batman right there but Lois Lane had arrived. Then, Kent walked up to a shell shock Lois and hugged her. He held her and flew to the Kent Farm in Smallville where he reunited with his mother Martha Kent. Back at Star Labs Clark Kent joined the heroes and dawned a new black suit. The others were nursing their bruises when Steppenwolf and his armies of Parademons arrived. They had been attracted when the Mother Boxes had been used to resurrect Superman as the heroes fought valiantly but failed to stop Steppenwolf from taking the Mother Box since the good news was that Victor's father had supercharged the Mother Box with laser heat making it easy to track it using the heat signature while the bad news was that Victor's father had used up all his energy and he had died. With the help of an impressive array of Stark satellites they were able to pinpoint the exact location of the Mother Box. The trace took them to an abandoned Russian town as the alien intruders were using an abandoned nuclear reactor tower to conduct the unity inside the tower but the heroes met Steppenwolf conducting the unity and the entire team charged in towards the tower to confront the alien intruders head on. The fight began and the others fought to let Cyborg through to separate the Mother Boxes. Cyborg reached it and tried unsuccessfully to separate them. Wonder Woman spied Steppenwolf approaching Cyborg to stop him from separating the boxes as she then used the lasso to pull him away from Cyborg but she wasn't having much luck and Aquaman joined in. They made some progress but they were losing it as then Superman joined the fray and easily defeated Steppenwolf who attacked again but Aquaman speed him with his trident from behind and Superman delivered a devastating punch while knocked out towards the boom tube of Apokolips. Superman then joined Cyborg in trying to separate the boxes but it was too late for the unity was complete and Earth was terraformed. Flash saw the shock wave spreading from the center of the tower and he immediately increased his running speed and entered into the Speed Force. He then used his abilities to turn back time to when Wonder Woman was trying to take Steppenwolf down. He then ran to Iron Man and asked him to go help Cyborg separate the boxes. Superman heard Barry's plea to Stark and went to the boxes. Iron Man joined too as each man held a box as they tried to separate them but Wonder Woman and Aquaman failed to hold Steppenwolf and he broke free from the lasso and ran to the group. Just as the boxes separated and fell to the floor Steppenwolf was electrocuted. Steppenwolf's axe rammed into Iron Man's neck penetrating his suit and beheading him instantly killing him for good. Wonder Woman screamed "NO" while Aquaman used his trident and impaled Steppenwolf. Superman came and dealt a devastating blow to the New God as Superman then pushed him to the boom tube and he was decapitated by Wonder Woman's lasso as he flew through killing him for good and ending the invasion. Steppenwolf's head rolled and stopped at Darkseid's feet.

Meanwhile, several universes away Tony woke up in the middle of the night as Pepper Potts who was still sleeping beside him woke up too and looked at his concern. He was sweating and his chest was heavy. Pepper asked him what was wrong as he managed to slowly breathe. "You won't believe the dream I just had" he answered...

And that is going to be ¿What if Iron Man was in Zack Snyder's Justice League? Now this storyline was very interesting especially the ending where Iron Man died at the end but it could've been a dream since maybe Tony was dreaming of this event from Earth-616 and we might be able to see a part 2 so if you'll want part 2 I will definitely do it because I just wanna know ¿how did you'll enjoy the storyline? I think it was a very unique take on the story and really adding in Tony although not much had changed. I personally think a couple things definitely did change like the Flash getting a Stark made suit and a couple other things. So, with all that said I do hope you'll enjoyed this Marvel/DC crossover what if, thanks for reading this and be on the lookout for more what ifs coming soon. As for me these are only my stories. I observe everything that happens but I can't, won't and not even think about interfering because I am danny306watcher. See you'll soon.

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